"Where is the Queen to my King of Pain"

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I wake up in a ball of the floor, with a splitting headache and the smell of food. I look at the my phone, 2:29pm.

I see a text from Sophie saying to come in today to talk about the job.

I think back to last night, some of it's a blur but I remember most of what happened. I stand up, I don't even want to leave this room but I need an Ibuprofen.

I quietly unlock the door and open it, slipping out. I tip toe around the house, making sure I don't run into Andy.

I make my way into the kitchen and see Andy's cooking food, his back facing me. I notice the Ibuprofen on the counter, I quietly grab them and turn around.

"Racheal," I hear his voice, so soft compared to last night.

I don't turn around, I just walk away from
him. I hear his footsteps behind me as his hand grabs my wrist.

"Racheal wait," regret in his voice.

I take my wrist from his and walk back into the spare bedroom and lock the door. I slide down the door and feel tears form, I wanted nothing but to look at him. I wanted to see the shame on his face after everything he said to me even though he 'loves' me.

I don't get it, last week and the weeks before we were great. He treated me like I was gold, he called me beautiful, he told me he loved me. We were inseparable, but ever since I began looking for a job he was so cold, so distant.

I just couldn't believe he could bring himself
to call me a.. slut, and an attention whore.

Is that really how he thinks of me?

I take a pill and just lean against the door, my head in my hands as I close my eyes.

A few moments later I hear light footsteps.

"Racheal.." I hear his voice as I hear him slide down the door.

I don't answer him as tears escape from my eyes.

"Racheal I made you breakfast, bacons, eggs and toast.. Your favourite," His voice so gentle.

I stay quiet, I don't want to talk to him.

"Please just let me in, let me explain myself,"

"There's no explaining to do Andrew.. You told me how you felt and what you thought of me last night," I spit angrily.

"Racheal baby, I didn't mean it," He sounds so sincere.

"What? You didn't mean to call me a slut or an attention whore, you didn't mean to twist my passion into an insult, you didn't mean to tell me to go ahead and date Jake, you didn't mean to make me feel like shit, you didn't mean any of it, am I getting it right?" I sarcastically speak as I let out a chuckle

"Please just let me explain what I really

I stand up, unlocking the door. I open the door to see Andy sitting on the floor.

He looks up at me and oh god, the shame that played on his face.

"I don't want to hear what you really meant, it's probably worse then what you said," I scoff, I kick the food to the side, making it go everywhere as I walk away from him.

I hear Andy get up as his hand grabs my wrist again and spins me around to face him.

"I don't think you're a slut-"

"Yeah you do, you made it pretty clear to me that you think I'm a slut by shouting it at me," I cut him off as I go and walk up the stairs.

"I was drunk!" Andy tells me.

I feel tears form, how could he use the excuse that he was drunk instead of manning up and telling me he meant what he said.

"No! You don't get to use that excuse! I watched you last night, you had three beers, that is not enough to get you drunk!" I shout at him, as I turn around to face him. "Just, don't fucking talk to me, and how about we just stop whatever's going on between us because I can't with you anymore Andy, you have hurt me before but this crossed the line,"

I walk up the stairs and into Andy's bedroom as I begin to get changed into actual clothes in front of Andy, I don't care.

I walk to the door needing to get out but he's in the way.

"Where are you going?" Andy looks down at me.

"I'm going to meet Sophie about the stripping job and then I am coming back here to pack my things and get out of here, you'll no longer be living with a slut," I glare daggers at him as I shove him out of the way.

"Come on Racheal we can work this out,"

I ignore him as I walk down the stairs and out the door.

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