"I'll Never Let You Down"

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"Kiss me," He tells me, huskily.

I bring my lips to his, making sure he knows I want him, all of him.

"You're so hot," He mumbles against the kiss.

He pushes me against the wall, riding my shirt up. I break the kiss and take my shirt off, he smirks at me and takes his off.

I push him onto the bed, I climb on his lap and kiss him. 

He unzips my pants and flips us onto the bed, him on top.

He pulls my pants off, and looks me in the eyes as he kisses my stomach, trailing down to my underwear.

He slowly takes them off.

"Fuck, don't tease me," I whine, needing him.

He brings his face to me, putting his tongue to me.

"Andy!" I moan loudly.

I jolt up, hitting my head again. I lay back down, holding my head. I look over to see Andy looking at me, a brow raised.

"What?" I ask him.

"Nothing," He looks away, smirking.

"Fuck I gotta stop doing that," I groan.

Silence falls over, I feel myself blush as I remember what I dreamt. Fuck, it was a good dream, and it was just getting to the good part.

Andy chuckles and hops out of the bunk, having no problem. Tall motherfucker. I feel myself hot and flustered, that really turned me on.

I rub my face and get the dream out of my head. I hop out of the bunk and go to the front.

"So Escape The Fate wants us to hang on their bus later tonight," Jinxx tells us.

"Well isn't tonight the party?" Ashley asks.

"Yeah but I guess they want us to come over so they can get to know Racheal?" Jinxx says.

"Why me?" I laugh.

"I don't know, Craig says TJ has taken an interest in her," Jinxx shrugs. "But they also said something about swimming in a lake near here,"

"That'll be so much fun!" I squeal.

I feel myself blush, why would TJ take an interest in me?

We get through the day, it was especially really hot today. Swimming tonight will be a relief of the hot air from today.

"Hey Racheal," I hear TJ's voice.

"Hey TJ," I smile at him.

"How has the tour been for you so far?" He asks me as I pack up some merch into boxes.

"It's been good, I've hit my head so many times already that I'm surprised I don't have a concussion," I laugh.

"The bunks?" He raises brow.

"Yeah," I laugh harder.

"Took me a while to get used to it, but you'll eventually remember that there is a bunk on top," He chuckles.

"Crossing my fingers I will before I do get a concussion," I cross my fingers.

"So, are you and the guys going to come swimming with us tonight?" He asks me.

"Yeah, it was really hot today so I'll be glad,"

"I hope you have fun," He chuckles and walks off.

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