"I Know There's Something More Inside"

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It's been maybe a month since they sent in their album to the record producer, and Jake has been really off. So has Andy. Jake is really short with me and Andy just won't talk to me. Did I do something wrong?

Ashley, Jinxx, and CC have been keeping me company since Andy won't hang out with me, and since Jake will hardly speak to me.

"What's been going on with Jake and Andy lately?" I ask Ashely, CC, and Jinxx as I sit on my couch with them.

"Well Racheal-" CC begins.

"CC, they should be the ones to tell her," Jinxx interrupts him.

"Tell me what?" I furrow my brows.

"Just, ask Jake or Andy what's going on, and ask him soon," Ashely looks at me.

"Why, what's going on?" I kind of chuckle nervously.

"Just ask Jake or Andy," Jinxx leaves it at that.

What is going on?

The guys leave my house later that night. I get ready for work and head over.

I clean some cups and put the liquor where it belongs.

I tend to some costumers when I see Andy walk in, his eyes blood shot.

"Andy?" I look at him.

"Shot of whiskey and keep them coming," He croaks, he looks dead inside.

"Andy, what's going on?" I ask, placing my hand on his.

He looks at me, taking his hands from mine.

"Whiskey please,"

I pour him a shot, he picks it up and downs it. He looks at me, I pour him another.

I notice someone else sit down a few seats from where Andy is sitting.

"Lisa can you help me out while I talk to Andy?" I ask, walking into the employee room.


I walk back and pour Andy another shot. He drinks it and finally looks at me again.

"Has Jake told you?"

"Told me what Andy?" I get nervous.

Andy never cries. This has to be bad.

Andy folds his hands in front of him and sighs, then looks at me, putting his hands down.

"The record producer wants us to move out to LA, if we do then he'll sign us, we all said yes" Andy let's a tear fall immediately wiping it away.

I hear a ringing in my ear, I'm lucky I wasn't holding anything, I would've dropped it.

"..What?" I whisper. "When did you find out?"

"Not three days after we sent him our music," Andy looks me in the eyes.

I feel anger, why did Andy wait so long to tell me. Why the fuck didn't Jake tell me?!

"You guys have been keeping this from me for a month?!" I only feel the anger take over me.

"Racheal I'm sorry I wanted to tell you but Jake insisted on not telling you until we leave," Andy pleads.

"When do you guys leave?" I feel tears. 

Andy opens his mouth but nothing comes out.

"Andy! When do you leave?" I ask more stern, demanding an answer.

"Tomorrow morning," Andy closes his eyes, putting his head down.

I feel the tears fall from my eyes, running down my face.

"You are my best fucking friend and you kept it from me for so long and now I don't even get to have a few days to say goodbye!" I start screaming.

I storm out of the bar to get some fresh air. I pull my hair in frustration, anger and sadness.

I hear footsteps behind me.

"Racheal I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner," Andy placed a hand on my shoulder.

I turn around and push him away from me, just looking at him in disbelief.

"You didn't even talk to me about the decision," I cry.

"Please understand that this is a once in a life time opportunity, we had to say yes,"

I just scoff and storm away from him.

I call Jake.

"Hello?" I hear his voice.

"Get to my fucking house right now," I spit and hang up.

I drive home and wait for Jake. I don't even know why I'm suppose to say.

I hear the door open, and Jake walk through the door.

"Hey babe what's up?" Jake looks at me.

He rushes over to me after he sees me crying. He touches my arm, asking me what's wrong.

I shove him away.

"Why didn't you tell me you guys are moving away?!" I sob angrily.

"Racheal I—I was going to tell you," Jake stares at me.

"When?! Tomorrow as you stop here to say goodbye?!" I screech.

"I'm sorry Racheal, I just didn't want you to worry about it,"

"Well I'm worrying about it!! Jake, if you had of told me when you guys found out which was a fucking month ago then I wouldn't be as upset as I am now because you guys are fucking leaving me tomorrow!!" I scream at the top of my lungs, letting the tears flow.

"We had to say yes, please try to understand!"

"I fucking understand! Fuck I'm glad you guys said yes! But I'm just so mad that all of you guys kept it from me for so long!!"

"I'm sorry Racheal,"

"Fuck you," I cry.

Jake takes my hand on his, I pull my hand back.

"Don't fucking touch me," I sob.

Jake hugs me, I fight him but he doesn't let go. I just sob in his arms.

"I think we should take a break," Jake speaks softly to me.

I don't answer him for a bit.

"I need to see Andy," I whisper.

Jake leaves my house and I walk over to Andy's.

I open the door, the last time I'll ever be in his home.

"Andy?" My voice cracks.

"Racheal," Andy stands up from his couch.

"Andy I'm going to miss you," I begin crying again as I hug him tightly.

"I'll miss you too Rach," Andy embraces me tight.

I sob into his chest, never wanting to let him go.

18 years, I've known Andy for 18 years.. And this is where it ends.

"You're my best friend forever," I hiccup, looking at him.

Andy moves some hair from my face and looks at me.

"You'll always be my best friend," Andy whispers to me.

Andy places his hand on my cheek, bringing my face to his. My lips touch his ever so slightly, I look him in the eyes.

I close my eyes, bringing my lips to his, kissing him. His lips fit perfectly to mine, our lips move in sync. I never want this to end.

Andy wraps his arms around me, deepening the kiss.

He breaks the kiss, hugging me.

Andy lays us on the couch. We don't sleep, we just talk. We talk about our memories together, talk about how we think our lives will turn out, we talk and talk and talk and kiss until dawn.

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