"I Feel it Burning Deep Inside"

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I finish watching Attila's performance, they were amazing, the circle pit was crazy, everyone in the crowd was moshing. It was so much fun.

Now it's getting dark, tent lights, flashlights, glow sticks, and stage lights are being turned on. I feel my pocket for my phone, that's weird it's always in my pocket.

I check my back pack and don't feel it. Shit! I left it with Jordan from Bring Me The Horizon.

I try to find their tent but I can't find it, I try to ask some people where their tent is but no one is listening, they just walk by me.

I huff, I suppose I will have to ask Andy where they'd be. I check my watch, 7:28pm. Damn, the guys were done almost a half hour ago.

I rush around trying to find the bands tour bus, I see a big bus with the guys plastered on the side with their logo. I start walking towards it when a hand grabs my arm.

"Excuse me miss, where do you think you're going?" The security guard says in a serious and deep tone.

"Oh um, I'm with Black Veil Brides," I say nicely.

"Yeah that's what the last hundred girls who had been back here said to me today, get out of here," He starts pushing me away.

"Hey hey hey Frank, she's cool, she's with us," I see Andy exit the bus.

"Jeez Andrew at this rate that girls are entering the bus, you guys are gonna get one of them pregnant," The guard lets my arm go and walks away. I brush the hand sweat off of my arm.

"Thanks," I say to Andy. "What did he mean by you guys will get someone pregnant?"

"Oh it's nothing, just Ashley and I like to have a lot of sex during tour,"

"Oh ew Andy," I gag.

"Hey you asked and I'm your best friend, I can tell you this stuff,"

"Yeah yeah, why doesn't Jake, CC, and Jinxx yanno?"

"They have girlfriends,"

He wraps his arm around my shoulders, walking us on the bus.

"I thought you weren't going to show up," Andy chuckles.

"Dude I was just a half hour late, I was watching Attila play!" I giggle.

"Racheal! Welcome," CC walks from the back.

"Hey CC,"

He walks up to me and bear hugs me tight.

"How's it hanging?" Ashley walks over to me, hugging me.

"Alright I suppose, how's things for you?"

"Awesome," Ashley's facial expression is too funny, as he takes a sip of beer.

"I'm glad to hear that Ash,"

Jinxx and Jake come walking in as well.

"Hey Racheal," Jinxx waves to me.

"Hi Jinxx,"

Jake looks at me and smiles.

"Well I'll give you the tour of the bus," Andy says, walking me back. "So here are the bunks, and our messy bathroom, oh and here is the lounge area, it's really cool, we've got a built in couch and a tv back here,"

Andy walks us back to the main area. "And here is the kitchen slash eating area, in the fridge is our energy drinks, water, and like five day old food,"

I kinda snicker, of course they'd have five day old food in the fridge.

"Wow, this is impressive, got your own bus with your faces on it ewww," I make a face, jokingly.

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