"We Make Our Own Way"

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Andy's POV

"She should be here by now!" CC exclaims.

I check my phone, 9:38am. She should be here, we were supposed to leave a half hour ago.

"Maybe she changed her mind," Jinxx quietly speaks.

"No, she wouldn't have changed her mind," I tell the guys.

"Listen guys, we are going to have to leave soon," Mandy, our tour manager says.

"Give her five more minutes, actually give me five minutes to get her," I tell her.

"I—fine, five minutes no more," She groans, pulling out her phone.

I tell the guys I'll be right back, I rush and open the bus door, my body slamming into somebody. I fall to the ground, hearing someone groan.

I look to see Racheal on the ground, her head bleeding.

"Shit! Shit Racheal, I'm so sorry!" I scramble to my feet to help her up.

"Ugh fuck it's okay," She groans, holding her head.

The guys come rushing off the bus.

"Shit what happened?" Ashley questions, picking her things up from the ground.

"I was rushing out of the bus and slammed into Racheal, I think the door hit her head," I tell him.

Ashley and CC bring her things onto the bus as as I help Racheal on the bus.

"A great start to touring with us," I chuckle jokingly.

"Yeah," She giggles a bit.

I grab the first aid kit and clean up the cut on her head.

"I'm sorry I was so late, I forgot to tell my boss I was coming with you guys," Racheal explains, looking me in the eyes.

"It's okay," I put a bandaid on her head. "Well you're good as new,"


I kiss her forehead as the guys surround us.

"So there's no free bunks, since there's five for us and two for Mandy, our manager and the bus driver, so you're going to have to share a bunk with someone," Jake tells Racheal.

"Okay," Racheal says.

"We'll let you figure out who you want to share a bunk with and we'll go from there," Jinxx says.

"Okay, thank you,"

"Racheal can share a bunk with me," I say, looking at her. "I mean if you want to,"

"Oh yeah, sure," She smiles at me.

"It'll be like old times," I shrug.

"Yeah," She giggles.

Racheal's POV

I hold my head, my head is pounding. I was running at the bus because all the other busses were gone, it was just their bus left. I felt so bad, they were probably behind schedule because of me.

I had gotten to the door when suddenly the door had opened and hit me in the head, then a body hit mine hard.

"Would you like something for your head?" Ashley asks me.

"Uh, yeah please,"

Ashley hands me an Ibuprofen and hands me a Rockstar.

I take the pill and open the can, I drink some and place it on the counter.

"Thanks," I say to Ashley.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce you, Racheal this is our manager, Mandy, Mandy this is Racheal, Andy's best friend and Jakes ex girlfriend," Ashley introduces us.

"Really Ashley, do you have to introduce me as Jake's ex girlfriend?" I kind of laugh.

"What?? It's true though,"

"Hi, it's nice to meet you," I shake Mandy's hand.

"Nice to meet you too, I've heard lots about you from the guys," Mandy says to me, grinning.

"Oh no, good to bad?" I ask, smiling.

"Gosh! All good, I told them I have to meet you if you're that great of a person," Mandy laughs.

"Oh well I'm not that great," I laugh as well.

"Oh you're pretty great," CC wraps his arm around me.

"What? Am I not great?" Mandy acts hurt.

"No I don't mean it like that, you're great as well," CC tries to be convincing.

"Nope! I see how it is," Mandy doesn't face CC, but she laughs.

CC and the guys just laugh at Mandy.

"Nah, Mandy is pretty great, she's like a mother to us, we'd lose our heads if she wasn't around," Jake laughs, wrapping an arm around her.

"Awh," Mandy grins.

"Can someone show me where to put my bags?" I ask anyone.

"Sure," Andy gets up.

I stand up and grab my bags as I follow him into the back.

"Alright, so just put your bags under the bunk on the left, then put the smaller one in my bunk, or should I say our bunk," Andy points to the left bunk, and then points to his bunk, which is a middle bunk.

"Okay," I slide the bigger bag under the bunk and throw it in the corner of the bunk.

"It's gonna be fun having you here, you're going to have a blast," Andy tells me, hugging me. "I'm so happy to have you in my life again,"

"You seemed to of been doing just fine without me," I laugh, hugging him back.

"I knew we'd see each other again," Andy backs us up against the bunk, my back hitting it.

He pulls away from the hug, bringing his face close to mine.

"What are you doing?" I nervously ask him, my heart pounding out of my chest.

"What am I doing?" He furrow his brows, knowing exactly what he's doing.

"What are you guys doing back there?! Fucking?!" We hear CC shout.

Andy winks at me and walks away, going to the front of the bus. Was he going to kiss me? The third day of seeing me again after a few years.

I want to kiss him, but why would he want to kiss me? He didn't like me back a few years ago, why would he like me now?

Whatever. Stop thinking about it.

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