"You Never Held On"

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"Andy you're not suppose to be here, Racheal will be so mad if she knows I let you on the bus!" I faintly hear someone whisper-yell.

"She's my best friend, I deserve to see her!" A deep voice says lowly.

"But you hurt her, you hurt her a lot," I hear the other voice louder.

I open my eyes and peek my head out of the curtains of the bunk, I see Andy and Ashley arguing in the kitchen area.

"I don't know what to tell you, but I have to go for an interview and then meet and greet so just please try not to upset her," She looks at him as she rushes around the bus, collecting her things.

"But what do I say to her?"

"Tell her you're sorry and it won't happen again, I don't know!" Ashley rushes toward the bus door.

"Ashley please! I love her,"

Ashley stops moving and looks at Andy, she rolls her eyes and sighs, "prove it, tell her how you feel, make the effort, go on a date with her, make her feel like a million bucks, but most importantly, stop sleeping with other girls,"

Ashley stares at Andy before leaving the bus. Andy looks my way, I quickly slip my head back into the bunk and pretend to be asleep, even though I'm pretty sure he saw me. I keep my eyes closed as his footsteps come closer and closer to me.

"Racheal?" Andy stands outside of the bunk.

I don't respond. Maybe, just maybe he didn't see me eavesdropping in on their conversation.

"I know you're awake,"

"Okay, I'm awake so what?" I sassily speak to him.

"I just wanted to see how you were doing,"

"I'm doing just fine," I say.

"I know when you're lying to me Racheal,"

I roll over and open the curtains, looking at him. He smiles at me I don't smile back, I just stare at him.

"Can we talk?" He asks me.

I honestly don't feel like fighting, I just want things to be better between him and I, after all we're best friends.

"Sure," I whisper.

I jump off the top bunk and realize I'm only in a sports bra and panties, I decide to walk in front of Andy and strut my stuff, making sure Andy knows what he missed out on.

We walk to the lounge area and I sit down, putting my feet on the small table in front of me. Andy stays standing in front of me.

"I like your hair and the new piercings," Andy comments, looking at me.

I just nod my head, looking away from him.

"Racheal," Andy comes and sits next to me, "nothing can take back what I did to you and how I made you feel-"

"You are correct," I interrupt him, crossing my arms.

"But I can make things better, if you will just let me," Andy stares into my eyes.

"How could you possibly make up for what you did? You toyed with me, made me feel as if you really wanted me, to be with me, and oh! That night you didn't show up, I came back to the bus, and I saw you fucking another girl, so don't give me the excuse you forgot about what I had said, you were just too busy fucking some random girl, but I see how it is," I feel the anger rise inside of me as I stand up and begin stomping out of the room.

"I fucked up," Andy says, stopping me.

I take a deep breath and turn around, facing him.

"I fucked up.. When I first laid my eyes on you at the party, I almost didn't recognize you at first, I thought to myself, wow, that girl is so gorgeous, the most beautiful girl I have ever seen, and when I realized that it was you," Andy stands up and walks towards me, "I didn't know what to do, but I knew that I had made a huge mistake by not showing up that night,"

I'm at a loss of words, I honestly don't even know what to think.


Andy brings his lips to mine, cutting me off. I feel myself give into the kiss as I move my lips with his in sync. I break the kiss as his forehead rests on mine, he looks me in the eyes and smiles softly.

"I love you," He breathes out.

"I love you too,"

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