"Every Word I Said Echoes in My Head"

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"Boom! It hits him!" TJ shouts over the music.

I laugh hard as TJ tells me a stupid joke, I smile at him as I drink from my cup.

"Tell me another joke," I giggle as TJ looks down at me.

"Racheal," I hear his voice behind me.

I frown for a second but then continue to smile, ignore him, he's done nothing but hurt you. I listen to TJ's stupid joke as I giggle, I down the rest of my drink and place it on the counter.

I feel his hand grab my arm.

"Don't touch me Andy," I say, not looking at him as I just continue to smile at what TJ was saying.

"Racheal please," I feel him tug on my arm.

TJ looks behind me and at Andy, his face hardens.

"It's okay," I mouth to TJ.

"Do you want me to deal with him?" He asks me, not taking his eyes off of Andy.

"No, I got this, thank you," I hug lean up and hug him.

TJ walks away and I grab my cup, walking away from Andy, going to the alcohol on the eating area table.

I make sure my back is to Andy, I haven't looked at him yet, and I don't plan to.

I pick up the almost empty bottle of vodka and go to pour it, but I don't bother and just drink the rest from the bottle itself.

"Racheal," He says yet again.

I roll my eyes and walk off the bus, I'm not dealing with him, I'm gonna keep walking until he gives up or until he loses me in the crowd of people.

"Racheal wait! Let me explain!" I hear him shout from behind me.

I pick up my pace, finding it hard to since I'm in heels but I manage. I soon get tired and I take my heels off, as I fast walk in my bare feet now.

I don't hear his voice behind me and I turn my head, looking behind me, he isn't there. I let out a big sigh of relief and sit down on the grass, I finally got my self esteem back up, I'm not gonna let him tear it down again.

I look at my phone, checking the time, 11:38pm and I see a text.

TJ; if you need me to help you with andy, i will

Me; thank you, but you guys are friends and i don't want that to be ruined because of me, just enjoy the party and i'll be back soon

I walk around, more so away from the party now. Just thinking to myself, why does Andy want to talk to me so bad, he should be fucking some girl or girls by now.

I feel a cool breeze as footsteps walk behind me.

"I forgot about what you had said," I hear his voice.

I stand there staring up at the stars for a minute or so when I finally turn around, glaring at him.

"Forgot about what," I say lowly.

"I," Andy looks at me, "I forgot what you said that day.."

I let out a scoff, looking away from him.

"Please Andy, don't fucking lie to me again," I spit at him through tears.

"I've never lied to you," Andy says to me, walking closer.

"Oh really?" I laugh, taking a step back, "you've lied to me quite a lot, but you wanna know my favourite lie?" I feel the tears fall.


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