"Don't sit up. You'll hurt yourself." The Doctor said.

"You were stabbed by a demon blade." Nick said there were tears in his eyes. "There is nothing we can do you are..." Nick stopped unable to go on.

"You're dying." The Doctor said.

"How long do I have?"

"About half an hour." Nick said.

"I'm going to keep on looking. I'm not giving up." The Doctor said getting up, walking over to the console.

I looked at Nick. "Can you hold me till it is time?"

He gently placed my head on his lap. He ran his fingers through my hair.

"Do you remember the day we met?" Nick asked.

"Yes I do. I was coming home from a hunt, to come across a group of guards beating up a poor defenseless boy, who had stolen some bread for his brothers."

"We were starving. I had to do something. Those damn guards would have beaten me to death if it had not be for the most beautiful angel."

"I am no Angel."

Nick chuckled. "That is what you said to me then too, but you are half do not forget that it does not matter who you father is. You are a good person. I can still remember the way you looked with your wings spred out behind you and your fangs bared. The guards ran away screaming in terror while the ones that you left alive anyway."

"But you were not scared of me like they were. You stood up confidently and asked if I was your guardian angel."

"You told me that you were not. That you were more like a demon, but I did not believe you. After that you took care of me and my brothers."

"The fifteen years later I turned you into a monster just like me and you turned your brothers."

"You are not a monster. Be still for now. You need to rest." He said kissing my forehead. I closed my eyes.


A while later I heard the Doctor's voice. "Annabelle you have to wake up." I opened my eyes to see the Doctor smiling at me like an idiot. "Why are you smiling at me like that? I am DYING!" I said angrily.

"I found a way to save you." He said still smiling at me.

I looked up at Nick to see that he was crying.

"Why are you crying?" I asked reaching up to wipe the tears away.

"Everything has a price." He said.

"What is the price?" I asked him. When he did not answer I turned to the Doctor, asking him the same question.

"The price is that you won't be the same any more, you might not even be a vampire any more." He said.

"How will I be different?"

"You wouldn't remember some of you past. Though you might remember in the future. But you feelings might not be the same. If you want me to do this we have to do it know. " The Doctor explained.

"I do not know."

"You must I would rather have you alive not knowing me then have you know me for a few moments before you die." Nick said.

"Alright. Do it."

"Nick take Annabelle and follow me." The Doctor said walking away. Nick picked me up and followed the Doctor through a long hallway to a bright room. There was a metal table and beside was a tray with sharp medical instruments and other things that I did not know.

"Put her on the table." The Doctor said.

Nick placed me on the table. "Turn her on her stomach."

Nick did as the Doctor asked. I turned my head so that I could look at him.

"Stay with me?" I asked.

"I will always be here for you even if you do not know who I am." He said placing his hand on my check, stroking it. I felt something prick my arm but before I could see what it was my eyes closed. I fell into darkness unsure of where my life would go from here.

***End of Flashback ***

I shock myself out of the flashback. I walked back off to Chase and his family.

"Shhh.... she's coming back." I heard Chase say.

What are they talking about?
The vision I had when Chase touched me came back to me. Chase was fighting a group of bad men with such skill that it seemed impossible for someone as young as him to be that experienced in martial arts.
Bree looked at me with a big smile. "Hey." She said.

"Sooo.. do you want to sit with us at lunch?" Leo asked.

"Yes I would like that." I said smiling at them. "I will meet you there, I have to place my books in my locker." I said walking toward my looker.

A/N So what did you think please tell me in the comments. My sister says I should just give up on this story but I'm not so sure. Please vote comment share or follow.

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