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"Si, they are..." Annabelle started to say when she stopped. She closed her eyes when she opened them again. I gasped her eyes were a pitch black.
"Annabelle?!" I placed my hands on her shoulders. "Are you alright? Your eyes."
"She can't hear you." Erik said.
"Why? What's wrong with her?" Bree asked.
"She's having a vision." Leah said.
"Of vision of what?" Leo asked.
"His.." Nick pointed at me, "future or past."
"Why mine?" I asked, placing my hand on her cheek.
"She touched you. She has to make contact with someone to have a vision." Nick said.
Tears started falling from down Annabelle's cheeks. "No!" She screamed. Her eyes cleared. I looked at her concerned. She moved away from me, shaking her head.
"What the hell was that?" Leo asked.
"Scusate. I did not mean to scare you." Annabelle said. She didn't turn to look at us. She was looking at Nick. It was like they were silently communicating.
"What did you see?" Ash asked.
"We were fighting the Fallen when..." She stopped a sob coming from her. Nick grabbed her, wrapping his arms around her. I felt a ping of jealousy. He smirked at me over Annabelle's head.
"What do they want?" Daniel asked.
"Me. Dead." Annabelle said. Nick still had his arms around her.
"Why?" Davenport asked.
"Because I should not exist. I should have never been born."
"Why?" Leo asked.
"Angels and humans are forbiden to mix." Ash said.
"Why?" Tasha asked.
"I hate that question!" Annabelle growled, moving away from Nick.
"Why?" Adam asked.
Annabelle glared at him. Her right eye twiched in anger.
"Okay. Who sent them?" Chase asked.
"I do not know!" Annabelle yelled frustrated. Nick placed his hand on her arm. She leaned into his arms, relaxing. My eyes narrowed.
"I'll find out." Erik said. He flexed his shoulders. A pear of black wing with a blood red tinge to them appeared from his back. They folded around him and he disappeared.
"Where did he go?" Leo asked. His mouth hanging open.
"Probably to gather information on who wants Annabelle dead." Daniel said.
"Do you have any idea who it could be?" Davenport asked.
"Probably the Powers." Nick said.
"Who are they?" I asked.
"They were sent here to cleanse the earth. They take their job a bit to seriously." Leah said. Adam was standing beside her. Every once in a while he would whisper something in her ear. Leah would either smile up at him or giggle.
What is going on with them.
"I think I found something." I looked up to see Erik standing there with a grim expression.
"What did you find?" Ash asked.
"It's the Archangel Samual. He wants you. For what I have no idea." Erik said.
"I won't let them near you. Who else is going to help me make my nacho volcanos." Adam said.
"Your like my sister and best friend. They'll have to go through me to get to you." Bree said.
"You're the only hot girl that talks to me. There is no way I'm letting some creep with wings take you." Leo said.
"I helped create you. There is no way I'm letting anything or anyone hurt you." Davenport said.
"Your family and family sticks together." Tasha said.
Annabelle looked at everyone before her eyes landed on me. It looked like she was about to start crying.
"I suppose you have something to say as well." She said.
"Yeah I do." I said, taking her hand and pulling her to me.
"What is it?" She asked, placing her hand on my chest and looked up at me through her eyelashes. My heart was thumping hard as I stared into her golden eyes.
"I care about you. More then you could possibly imagine. I think I love you. I don't want anything to happen to you. If those guys show up, they'll have to go through me. I would die for you." I said, caressing her cheek.
She flinched, pulling away. I looked at her confused. There were tears streaming down her face.
"I am so sorry, Chase but I do not feel that way about you." She said walking over to Nick. A sob escaped as I watched Nick wrap his arms around her, pulling her to his chest. I couldn't breath. It was like I was under water, gasping for air but I couldn't get any.
"Thank you all but I think I would be best if I dealt with the Fallen myself." Annabelle said.
Erik, Daniel and Ash spread their wings wrapping them around themselves and disappearing.
"Arrivederci." Annabelle said as Nick wrapped his wings around them both and disappeared. I walked away, tears streaming down my face as I made my way down to the lab. Everyone called after me but I ignored them. My heart broke. It felt like Annabelle had wrapped her hand around my heart and squeezed before ripping it out and setting it on fire.
A/N Still high but slowly crashing. Ah! my leg is asleep I hate that. It feels weird :P

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