There's Only One Direction

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Chapter 32.

"Kiss him!" Someone yelled as many of the guests clinked their silverware on their wine glasses.

I rolled my eyes and pecked Niall on the lips. He smiled. The steak was delicious but we hardly getting to eat any because people kept wanting us to kiss.

Soon it was time for the best man and bridesmaid to say their speech. I listened intently as Greg shared his memories of Niall as a little kid and how he grew up too fast.

I looked over at Niall and saw that he had tears in his blue eyes.

Then it was Hallie's turn. I couldn't choose who I wanted to be my bridesmaid to speak so it just turned out to be Hallie because she volunteered and no one else liked reading speeches.

She made everyone laugh and then she started crying. Her speech was great even though I was half listening. I was too busy gazing at a black suited figure across the room.

Harry sent me a wink and I quickly went back to my steak.

I felt Niall grab my hand. "It's time to dance, love," he said with a smile and I grinned back.

Then it dawned on me.

"Fuck, Niall," he turned to me with confusion in his eyes.


"We don't have a band! We forgot that!" I exclaimed with wide eyes.

"Oh shit," he said and ran a hand through his hair.

I face palm. Why couldn't weddings be easier?

"II'll think of something, don't worry," Niall quickly rushed off and jumped on the stage. He tapped the microphone to get everyone's attention.

"Hey," he started. "We may or may not have forgotten to hire a band."

I heard chuckles from around me and saw people rolling their eyes.

"So if anyone could do something quick and get some people together, that'd be great," he rushed off stage as quickly as he got on.

"Hey Julia," I looked and saw Louis.

"Hey Lou," I sighed.

"We have an idea," he pointed to himself, Zayn, and Liam. "One Direction could appear for one more show."

"But what about-"

"Me? I'll do it if Niall lets me," Harry suddenly appeared from behind Liam. "I'm not about to ruin your wedding."

I quickly thanked them and ran to find Niall.

I found him by the side of the stage.

"Hey Ni, Lou had a brilliant idea," I said quickly.

"Well what is it?" he replied.

"One Direction could have one last concert," I told him. He frowned.

"Fine," he grumbled.

"Thank you so much," I kissed him and then rushed off to tell the rest of 1D the good news.


"You're insecure,

Don't know what for.

You're turning heads when you walk through the do-o-or."

They started with What Makes You Beautiful which instantly lightened the mood. I was surprised when Harry gave his solo to Niall. Maybe he wanted to make things right again.

It ended way too soon.

Soon enough, Niall was walking over to me, all sweaty.

Then that was it.

I received lots of congratulations and then my wedding was over.

"Aw don't cry, princess. We're married now," Niall smiled at me. I gave him a sad smile back.

I watched everyone leave until it was just Harry, Niall, and me.

Niall cleared his throat. "Thanks mate," he said to Harry, probably for getting to sing Harry's solo.

"No problem," Harry gave his old friend a small smile. "You deserved it, not me. I've been horrible."

Niall didn't reply and I watched as Harry took one last glance at his best friend, and walked out the door with no one beside him.



Poor Harry :(

Next chapter is the last!

Holy cow this went too quickly.

Thank you for reading!

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ily all!

-J xx

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