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Chapter 11.

*Julia's POV*

I woke up the next morning with that uncontrollable giddy feeling. It was as if nothing could ever go wrong.

Diamond needed food and she made sure to tell us. Screaming her head off.

"I got it babe," Niall said sleepily as he crawled out of bed.

"Thanks Ni," I smiled and snuggled under the covers.

So much had to happen. We had to plan the whole wedding. Who would be there, what cake to serve, what dress to wear. Ugh it was so stressful.

I heard mumbling coming from the next room so I couldn't help but listen in on the conversation. Well I probably could've helped it but, you know, I'm nosy.

"Your mum and I are getting married, Dee," Niall whispered to Diamond. He called her Dee. "She's the most beautiful, amazing, terrific woman in the world and she's the only one I want to make mine forever."

He was so sweet.

"She's gonna look like a queen in her wedding dress," he confessed to the baby. "I'm probably going to get nervous and mess the whole thing up, but she's gonna rule the whole room."

I glanced at the ring on my finger. Diamond squealed as he fed her a bottle. He was a good dad. Maybe Diamond wasn't even his, but he was a positive father figure and he loved her. That was all that mattered.

Niall walked back into the room with a smile. "All done!" I laughed at his happiness.

"We have a lot to get done today, babe," I reminded him.

"I know, I know. But can't I just have a second with you where no one is going to interrupt us?" He smirked.

I smiled and brought his lips to mine. The kiss was passionate and told him everything I couldn't put into words.

"So what do you want to do first?" He asked when we both pulled away.

"We could actually plan the wedding for a change?" I giggled.

"That sounds just wonderful," he replied sarcastically.

"Let's start by making a list of things we need to accomplish," I suggested.

He nodded in agreement and went off to find a pen and paper. Once he returned, we got to work.

"Cake and food," Niall blurted as soon as I put the pen on the paper.

I giggled and wrote down his idea.

"Invites and dates," I mumbled as I wrote it down.

"A band," he suggested.

"Dress," I said with a frown.


"Bridesmaids, best men. God this is so complicated. Why can't we just say 'I love you' and put the rings on each other's fingers and have it be over with?" I rubbed my face in frustration.

He laughed and rubbed my back. "Which part of this whole scheme should we get done today?"

"I don't want to leave home, so let's work on the invites," I reasoned.

"But we can't invite people to a place that we haven't reserved yet. We don't even know which day," Niall pointed out.

"Good point. How about we just come up with people we want to invite and not actually make the invites?"

"Great idea. That way, I get more time with you," he smirked.

I lightly punched his shoulder. "Shut up."

He stole a quick kiss from my lips before he let me go.

"I'm going to find my address book," I left the room and went into the kitchen to where we usually kept it.

After looking in all the cabinets and pantries, I was surprised when I came up empty handed.

"Niall!" I called. "Have you seen the address book?"

"What? You don't have a dress yet! Why do you want me to find it at the bookstore?" He obviously couldn't hear me.

"Not the dress! The address book!" I screamed back.

When he didn't answer, I became annoyed. "Niall James Hor-" I was cut off from my rant by hands gripping my hips. Turning around, I looked into the ocean known only as Niall's eyes.

"Stop yelling. Don't be a poop," he smiled at my, exposing his straight teeth.

"Have you seen the address book?" I repeated.

He frowned. "No, not for a while."

"I've searched this whole damn place and I couldn't find it."

He drew his eyebrows together in thought. "Well you didn't check the bedroom, maybe it's hiding there."

I ran into the bedroom and threw open the closet door. There were boxes on the shelves and in the back of the closet. "Holy fu-"

"There is a baby in the next room," Niall covered my mouth.

I glared at him until he let me go. "I found all these boxes, maybe there are more under the bed. Can you check?" I asked.

"Sure," Niall got on his hands and knees and searched under the bed, periodically sneezing from the dust while I searched in the closet.

After I had gone through the whole closet, I still hadn't found anything. "Any luck?" I asked Niall.

"N-n," he sneezed, "no, sorry babe. Wait a sec. What is this?" He pulled out a large plastic storage bin with a blue lid sealed on tight. It was covered with dust and filled to the brim with paper.

"I don't know. I've never seen it before. I think it's yours."

Niall carefully pried the lid off and instantly got teary eyed. "What's wrong?" I asked.

He held up the top piece of paper. It was his contract. The one for his band. The band that was no longer around because of me.

One Direction.



Duhn Duhn Duhn

What do you think is going to happen?


please vote and go check out my other books! Thanks for reading :D

Songs for this chapter:

Story of My Life - One Direction

Atlas - Coldplay

Everybody Wants to Rule the World - Lorde

-Jules xx


So this kid in my class shoved a crayon up his nose and then his nose stared bleeding.

Why would you even do that?

Anyway, it was the highlight of my day haha

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