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Chapter 26.

*Julia's POV*

"Harry," I whined as he waltzed happily around the room. "It's not even that big of a deal." I rolled my eyes.

"Not a big deal? Julia are you crazy? I am a father and this is the happiest day of my life because it's our child. I have loved you since way back when we were like five! For me this is a dream come true!" Harry smiled widely at me.

"Harry," I rubbed my temples. "I can't be with you."

"Why? Niall left. I'm here. You're supposed to love me. I saved your life," Harry's happy mood was sucked down the drain and was replaced by a possessive monster.


"But what? Why can't you love me? After all the shit I went through. After all of the stuff I've done for you," he paced back and forth. "You reward me by not loving me!"

"Harry- it's not like that," I tried to reason with him. "I do love you. As a best friend."

"That's not enough," Harry warned with a glare in my direction.

How are you supposed to change your feelings that quickly? I did love him but I couldn't love him like he wanted.

"I want to go home," I said, trying to change the subject.

Harry's eyes softened as he realized I was still half-dead.

"You will stay with me and I will help you," Harry said. It wasn't a question. It was a command.

"Okay," I agreed quietly.


We left the hospital after checking out. Zayn and Liam were in one car while Harry, Louis, Diamond, and I were in the other.

We met back up at Harry's small hotel room.

"So," Zayn started. "Excuse me for saying this, but what the hell is going on?"

Louis chuckled and nodded his head in agreement.

"I guess I need to start at the beginning," I half smiled and shifted Diamond on my lap.

"You probably should," Liam raised his eyebrows and took a seat.

I took a deep breath and decided to get it over with.


*Niall's POV*

After looking all over this damn town, I finally found what I needed.

Of course she'd go with Harry. He would be there to save her.

I rolled my eyes as I drove to his apartment. Don't ask how I knew where he lived. I didn't really know.

I pulled up and saw Liam's car. That must mean that they're all here.

As I walked up the steps to room 312, I felt awkward. I shouldn't be nervous. I'd been everywhere with these lads. We'd shared a whole lifetime together. But yet here I was straightening my hair.

I raised my hand to knock on the door and wondered what their faces would look like as soon as I showed up. I shook the thought from my mind and knocked before I could change my mind.


*Julia's POV*

A knock at the door had Harry out of his seat rather quickly.

"Hello?" He called out the door.

I couldn't hear what the person on the other side of the door said but whatever he said made Harry open the door and let him in.

All of a sudden Niall Horan was standing in front of me once again.



So I'm thinking this book is close to being done. Idk though.

The next chapter will have a lot of stuff explained, so yeah.


Could you all do me a favor and read my book, Fly Away With Me? It's my only book that doesn't have at least 1k reads. I ONLY NEED LIKE 50 MORE!

V o t e

C o m m e n t

F a n g i r l o v e r <-- idk

D o w h a t e v e r

-J xx

(SHOUTOUT to @bluedance who says that Julia should be with Harry because he is a better father than Niall and has never left her side)

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