Hospital Run

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Chapter 13.

*Julia's POV*

The call came at one in the morning.

I groggily rolled out of bed and shook Niall awake.

"But Mom..." he whined, "I can't go to school today." He pulled the covers over him. "I'm too busy getting married."

I giggled and ripped the covers off. He shivered in the cold morning air since he was only in his boxers.

"Niall wake up," I whispered into his ear. He shivered again.

I planted a short kiss on his lips. This made his eyes snap open. When he saw it was me, he smirked and pulled me down onto him.

"C'mon babe. It's cold in here and you need to keep me warm," he smirked and leaned towards me to kiss my lips.

I let him kiss me but after a few seconds, I pulled away.

"Niall-" I started.

"Shut up and let me kiss you. Morning breath is sexy so don't worry about it," he cut me off, attempting to kiss me again.

I rolled my eyes and he saw I was serious.

"What's wrong?" Niall asked.

"Anne called. It's Harry. Something's happened," tears prickled the back of my eyes.

Niall's eyes lost the hint of kindness and turned stone cold. "I don't care. You can can go but I'm not. He's nothing to me anymore."

"You said you'd put that aside!" I pleaded.

"I changed my mind," he huffed and rolled over so his back was to me.

"Well I'm going," I stated.

"I know," he mumbled. "Just don't get pregnant again. I know Diamond isn't mine."

I gasped at his bluntness. "We will have this conversation later."

I pulled on a sweatshirt and some sweatpants. I quickly pulled my hair back into a ponytail and walked across the room to the door.

"Julia," Niall called and I froze. I hoped he wasn't going to criticize me. Not now. I looked back at him and I saw him smile.

"I love you," he called. I nodded and left before he could see the tears streaming down my face.


The hospital wasn't very far away. I got there and found a parking spot.

I walked into the waiting room after locking my car and found Anne.

She looked shaken up.

"What's up?" I asked as casually as I could, as if we weren't in a hospital waiting room because of her son.

"It's Harry. I heard glass shattering and I went to see what was wrong a-and," she started crying.

"And what?"

She looked up from her crying. "And I called you. You're the closet thing he has to a friend after his band broke up."

I looked down at my shoes. How many times did I have to be reminded that I was the cause of that breakup just because of one little mistake? One mistake.

"One mistake is all it takes," the voice in the back of my head chided me.

"Where is he?" I asked, finding the courage to look Anne in the eyes.

"Follow me," she got up and I followed her to a room.

We walked into a room, a regular hospital room, and I saw Harry lying on the bed.

Tears once again prickled the back of my eyes as I looked at my childhood best friend.

"Alcohol poisoning," a new voice said. I saw a flash of purple hair as the girl in the corner moved. I hadn't even realized she was there.

"Will he be okay?" I asked.

The girl snorted. "Will he be okay? Yeah, probably. This is about the fifth time this has happened."

"Gemma," Anne warned but Gemma just kept on talking.

"But you wouldn't know, would you? You're too busy waiting on his ex-band member to worry about what goes through your baby daddy's mind. You're too busy trying to forget him when all he wanted was a life with you. Every single time this has happened, it has been because of you," she pointed an accusing finger at me.

"I-I don't know what to say," I sputtered.

Gemma glared at me.

"Leave her alone," a raspy voice called.

We all turned to look at Harry, who was sitting up.

"Mum, Gemma thanks for being here but could you please give us a minute?" He asked politely.

Gemma gave his shoulder a quick squeeze and left the room. Anne patted mine and whispered, "good luck," in my ear before she too, left.

"Harry I'm so sorry," I apologized. "This is all my fault."

I walked over to his bed and gently caressed his hand.

"It's not all your fault, it's technically half mine too," he smiled at me. "It's not too late, you know," he whispered.

"Yes it is. I'm getting married," I looked away. "Niall doesn't want you there."

"Then I guess I can't keep my promise," he frowned.

He remembered. I was so happy he hadn't forgotten, but then again, he was Harry. He never forgot anything.

"But," I took a deep breath, "I want you there. It wouldn't feel right if you weren't."

"Are you going against Niall?" Harry asked, surprised.

"It's not all about him. I get some say in this," I laughed.

Harry laughed too.

"I'm sorry ma'am but visiting hours are over. Mr. Styles needs his rest," a nurse said from the doorway.

I nodded and looked back down at Harry. "Bye Hazza." I kissed his hand and then let him get the rest he needed.



So today I was sick. Ugh I feel like crap.

Anyway, I have been obsessed with the tv show, Once Upon a Time. It's really good.

Can we try to get this book to 400 reads?

I love you guys,

-Jules xx

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