5:45 AM

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Chapter 3.

*Julia's POV*

I think I must have fallen asleep in the bathroom because the next thing I knew, Niall was in front of me, in his boxers, looking concerned.

"What are you doing in here?" he asked, his accent popping out.


"I came in here to piss and you scared the shit out of me! You can't just sleep in a bathroom!" he teased.

"Well I can when I get up at 2 o' clock in the morning to go puke my guys out and don't feel like walking my bloated body back to bed," I retorted.

He looked hurt.

I didn't want to be mean, it just came out. Must be the pregnancy. I still didn't know if it's Harry's or Niall's. I'm not sure I want to know.

"C'mon babe. Let's get you and Diamond back to bed," Niall coaxed while helping me stand.

If he didn't like helping me every single day, I didn't know it. His face was like a mask. I could never tell what he was thinking.

When we got back to the bedroom, Niall gently massaged my shoulders and back, a new habit that had developed along with the pregnancy and back pains.

"Thanks Ni," I turned to smile at him.

"Anything for my pregnant girlfriend," he smiled back and pecked me on the lips. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I really need to pee," he did a little potty dance and then practically sprinted to the bathroom.

I laughed and then glanced at the clock since it was still dark out.

5:45 am.

Time for this momma to go to sleep.

I leaned back onto the pillow and as soon as my eyes closed, I was out like a light.


*Niall's POV*

As I walked out of the bathroom, I glanced at Julia's, now sleeping, form.

She looked so peaceful. I almost didn't want her to have the baby. I wanted it to stay inside her forever. I liked her being so reliant on me. I know it's selfish, but usually she's so independent that I don't even know what she wants. Since she's pregnant, she makes sure I know exactly what she wants.

I grabbed some sweatpants from the floor and put them on.

I got my phone and sat on the edge of the bed.

Clicking the Twitter icon, I was instantly brought out of my future fantasies, and dropped into a world of gossip and money.

Scrolling though my feed, I saw random updates saying things such as a kid with cancer's wish from the Make A Wish Foundation was to 'be Batman,' and his city made it happen. He was officially 'BatKid' for a day. Liam would love that.

I kept scrolling and saw the relief efforts for Typhoon Haiyon had finally gotten to the people who needed them.

Near the bottom of the page, I saw a tweet from Harry.

"It's over. We aren't coming back. Deal with it."

Yep, and to go along with my problems, One Direction broke up. Now I don't have the constant friendship and support that usually got me through tough times.

I sighed and looked back at Julia.

I needed to marry her. I needed her to be with me for the rest of my life.

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