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Chapter 4.

*Julia's POV*

I'm pretty sure yesterday was the calm before the storm.

Yes, you guessed it.

Mama's having a baby child!

My water must have broken sometime between 8:00 and 8:30, I couldn't remember which.

Anyway, Niall freaked out.

He almost forgot to put his pants on before we got to the car.

He pulled out of the driveway and ran just about every red light he came upon.

"It's okay babe. Just breathe," he commanded, although it sounded like he was saying it to himself more than me.

"I'm fine Ni. It just feels like a really bad period." He gave me a strange look and I was reminded that he didn't get periods. Lucky guy.

Niall continued to drive 90 miles an hour so I whipped out my phone, trying to occupy my mind with other thoughts so I wouldn't focus on the increasing pain in my abdomen.

I called all of my relatives, and Hallie of course, (she's my brain twin).

My finger hovered over Harry's name as I debated whether I should tell him or not.

"Holy shit!" Niall yelled as he slammed the brakes. "Every freak in this city is on the road today!"

I was forced forward in my seat and my hand was jostled, resulting in touching Harry's name which immediately dialed his number.

No turning back now.

I took a deep breath and held the phone up next to my ear.

It rang twice and then his raspy voice greeted me.

"Hello?" He said.

"Hey..it's Julia. I just wanted to tell you that... Well I'm.. We're driving to the hospital because I'm about to give birth. I don't know why I called... I just thought maybe you'd wanna come stop by?" I mentally face palmed. That sounded so stupid.

"Oh," was all I heard from the other end.

"So yeah. See you later?" I must've sounded so desperate.

"Maybe. Bye." He hung up.

I sank back in my seat and huffed. Why were members of the opposite sex so difficult?

Time seemed to pass excruciatingly slow on the way to the hospital. The contractions in my stomach were occurring more frequently as time went on.

"Owww," I moaned.

Niall forced me to breathe yet again.

As soon as we pulled into the parking lot, Niall helped me out of the car and he helped me into the building. From there, a nice nurse helped me into a room with white walls.

"Hello Miss," she smiled,"the doctor will be in shortly."

I was laid down on a hospital bed while we waited.

And waited.

And waited.

I really hoped the baby looked more like Niall than me. Diamond would have clear blue eyes and dark hair.

"Well hello there!" An overly cheery voice greeted me calmly. "Are you ready to have a baby?"


*Niall's POV*

I still couldn't believe I was going to be a father. A father!

Some little girl would call me Dad!

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