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Chapter 5.

*Julia's POV*

So having a baby was difficult. It felt awful but I'm pretty sure it was worth it.

As the nurse returned with my little bundle of joy, she smiled.

"Meet Diamond," she tilted the towel she was holding gently towards me so I could see the little person in it. Diamond's eyes were closed so I couldn't see the suspected blue.

I smiled and took the bundle.

"Hello Diamond," I couldn't help but let a tear slip from my eyes, "welcome to the world."

The nurse left and then returned with a very jittery blonde boy.

As soon as Niall saw me, he rushed to my side and knelt next to the hospital bed.

"Oh my god Julia. We are parents," he pecked my lips and wiped the tears from my cheeks.

I handed him the baby. He held her like she was the most fragile piece of pottery in the world and he looked at her in a way that every father should look at his child.

"She's beautiful, babe. We did good," Niall smiled at me and I returned the gesture.

I sighed a sigh of relief and Niall's attention returned to me.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing. I'm fine," I lied.

His eyebrows furrowed, obviously seeing through my lie.

"Tell me," he demanded while gently rocking Diamond back and forth in his arms.

"I'm exhausted," I admitted but my mind was on something else. "Did anyone else come?"

"Your parents called to say they're in Italy for vacation but they say congratulations," he narrowed his eyes in thought. "I don't think anyone else came."

"Oh," the sinking feeling in my chest was enough to show my disappointment.

"Was anyone else supposed to come?" Niall asked slowly.

"No," I answered much too quickly.


He handed Diamond back to me and pretty soon the nice nurse from before came to usher him out. She let me keep Diamond with me as long as I kept her in the clear little baby box thing by my bed.

"Get some rest Miss Julia," she smiled from the door before leaving the room.

I settled down into the uncomfortable hospital bed and shut my eyes.

It was no use. I couldn't sleep. I was now a mother. I had a kid. I had given birth. I had a daughter.

It still blew my mind.

I heard a familiar click and my eyes immediately darted to the door.

A tall figure with their hands jammed into the pockets of their leather jacket slowly made their way over to the bed.

"Harry?" I whispered.

"Shh. It's okay. Niall's asleep, he doesn't know I'm in here," Harry reassured.

"Why are you here?" I questioned even though it was obvious. He had answered my call.

"Julia Julia Julia," he shook his head in a mocking way but I could see the pain in his eyes.

"Harry," just saying his name was a comfort.

"How did my little friend from the playground become pregnant? When did she become a mother?" He whispered quietly in awe.

Harry knelt down beside my bed and I could see the tears streaming down his cheeks.

"Harry why are you crying? I'm the one who just pushed a human out of my vagina," I asked playfully.

He smiled sadly. "It's never going to be mine. I'm never going to be a father because the only person I've ever loved is you."

His words brought tears to my eyes.

"You'll find someone. Someday," I reached over and wiped the tears from his damp cheeks.

After wiping away Harry's tears, I reached over and picked up Diamond. She was a very calm baby.

Harry stood over my shoulder and patted my back.

I stroked Diamond's hair and her eyelids fluttered.

My heart was racing as fast as a cheetah as Diamond opened her eyes for the first time in front of me.

Expecting to see a clear blue like Niall's I was shocked when I saw emerald.

Emerald that was exactly like Harry's.




Hulia or Nulia.

Lol so thanks for the votes and reads! Please keep up the support! Comments make me update faster especially encouraging ones!

If you have time, please go check out my other books!

Thanks for always being there, ily all.

-Julia xx

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