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Chapter 9.

*Julia's POV*

I think Niall knows or at least suspects something. It's been a week but he hasn't been the same. Whenever I ask him what's wrong he just closes up.

I wish I hadn't been drunk and stupid enough to go that far with Harry. He didn't even want to so I practically raped him.

"Babe?" Niall called.

"In here!" I replied.

"I'm taking you o-out" Niall stuttered when he found me in the bedroom.

"Oh um okay," it was strange to hear him stuttering.

"Yeah so if you'll just get dressed, we can go," he gestured to my batman pajamas that had been a gift from Liam.

As soon as Niall left, my pajamas were on the floor and I was putting on a shirt and skinny jeans.

I pulled my hair into a messy pony tail and went to meet Niall in the kitchen.

He seemed to be admiring something in the sunlight.

"What's that?" I asked and he jumped.

"N-no ring. I-I mean nothing," he stuttered. What was up with all this stuttering?

"Oh. Okay," this was just not like him at all. He was hiding something. "Is Diamond coming too?"

"D-diamond? No, I got a babysitter for her. A nice girl named Jessica."

"That's good."

He nodded and picked up his picnic basket. It was so cheesy. It was one of those big wooden ones with a checkered cloth.

"Let's go," he led me to the door just as the doorbell rang.

I opened it. "Hello Mrs. Horan! I'm Jessica and I'm going to be watching Diamond today!"

"How delightful!" I clasped my hands together. It didn't even bother me that she called me Mrs. Horan. It made sense.

"I left a note for you on the table," Niall added.

"Okay! Have a wonderful outing! Wait," she scrutinized Niall and her eyes widened. "YOU'RE NIALL HORAN! YOU WERE IN ONE DIRECTION!" She basically screamed to the world.

Niall chuckled at her reaction. "Yes that's me. Now don't take anything and we'll see you later okay?"

She just nodded and I couldn't help but laugh.

Niall pretended to wipe sweat from his forehead. "Glad that's over."

"She seemed nice."

"Yeah. I thought that too before she screamed."

I laughed as we got into the car.

Ten minutes later, we were at a little cabin. It looked peaceful.

"I'll go tell them we're here. You stay here."

As Niall went in the cabin, I thought I saw someone walk out the back door. It looked awfully similar to Harry but it couldn't be him. He wouldn't even want to live here. He was probably in New York or something.

Niall came running out of the cabin a few seconds later and opened the car door, helping me out.

"Niall, where are we and what are we doing?" I asked as he got the picnic basket from the back.

"Well obviously we're going on a picnic!" He said mischievously.

I rolled my eyes and followed him towards a different building which looked like a barn.

We stepped into the barn and about ten horses looked in our direction. Niall grinned.

"Wow! This is so cool!" I gushed.

"Pick one," Niall said.


"Pick a horse to ride!" Niall laughed. I was glad his stuttering went away. Maybe it was just the stress from the babysitter.

I walked around the barn twice before finding a horse that was chestnut in coloring with a black mane and tail. The label on the stall door read, 'Prince.'

"I found one!" I called to Niall who was talking to the same guy I saw earlier. "Harry?!"

He glanced at me and sure enough it was Harry. He smiled a sad smile and walked towards me.

"Hey Julia. I'm Harry and I'll be helping you saddle Prince. He's a good horse. He used to race."


Harry led Prince out of his stall and began to tack up.

I walked over to Niall who was admiring a black horse with a white patch on it's forehead.

"I like this one. Ares," Niall stated, rubbing the horse's nose.

"Are you and Harry friends again?" I asked.

"No," Niall spat bitterly. "He just works here. His mom owns it."

"Julia! Prince is ready!" Harry called.

I walked over to him and grabbed the reins, leading Prince over to Niall. Harry helped Niall tack up Ares.

As soon as he was done, Niall got on Ares and I got on Prince. We walked out of the barn and I glanced back. "Thanks Harry!" I called.

He didn't answer. Instead he gave me a small smile that almost didn't look like a smile at all. I could have sworn a tear streamed down his face.


After trotting for about five minutes, we came to a clearing. Niall tied up the horses to a tree and set out the checkered cloth for our picnic. I sat down on it as he pulled out random items of food.

"Dig in," he smiled at me.

I tried a little of everything, a sandwich, some strawberries, some carrots.

I suddenly got an idea. Grabbing two carrots, I walked over to the horses. Holding out my hand, I fed a carrot to Prince, whose velvety nose brushed my palm. I fed the other carrot to Ares.

As I walked back I realized Niall had been watching me the whole time.

"Is everything okay?" I asked.

"Y-yeah." Great. More stuttering.

Suddenly he got down on one knee and pulled out a black velvet box.

My eyes widened in surprise.

"Julia, I don't want to be your boyfriend anymore. I want to be your husband. We've been through so much and I hope we get to experience more. Together."

I placed my hand over my heart. Of course I already knew the question he was about to ask. And what my answer would be.

"Will you marry me?"



Kind of a sucky chapter but whatevs.



Haha my aunt and uncle own horses and one of them is named Prince. I based Prince off of him. And yes, he did race and win races.


-Jules xx

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