Past Tense

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Chapter 10.

Do you know that moment when you feel like everything around you just stops? Well yeah. I was experiencing that right now.

His hair was shining golden in the afternoon sunlight and he had such an eager but nervous look on his face. Of course I wanted to say yes.

"Niall," I started and his face fell. "Of course I'd want to be your wife. What girl wouldn't?" His face lit up like a Christmas tree and he carefully slid the ring onto my finger. A tear rolled down my cheek because everyone dreams about getting married to the man of your dreams and now it was actually happening. To me.

As soon as he stood up, I grabbed his face and smushed our lips together. His arm wrapped around my waist as the kiss grew more heated by the second. Soon his fingers were in the waistband of my panties, just resting there. Mine were more active. Dancing and playing in his hair.

I bit his bottom lip and he moaned. I smirked and immediately felt him do the same.

"Is that how you want to play?" he whispered in my ear, his hot breath sending shivers down my spine. "Answer me," he commanded.

I nodded. His lips trailed down my neck and onto my collarbone, leaving little wet patches which evaporated in the light breeze and left me with goosebumps. Niall got back to my lips and placed his there. He tried asking for entrance but I decided to decline.

Suddenly his hands were on my bum, squeezing, making me jump and open my mouth allowing him the entrance I had forbidden. I could feel him smirking again. I pulled away and left him breathless.

"Nuh uh uh," I shook my finger playfully. "No more for Niall."

He shook his head with a smile and sat back down on the checkered cloth, pulling me down next to him.

I leaned my head onto his shoulder and gazed at the horses who were casually eating.

"I love you, Niall."

"But I love you more, Jules."


*Niall's POV*

I had been a fool to think that she would have said no. She obviously loved me very much. The feeling was mutual.

With her head on my shoulder growing heavier by the minute, I could tell she was dozing off. I took some of her dark brown hair into my hands and tried to braid it. That didn't work so well. I let the hair go and she immediately stirred.

"Keep doing that," she murmured.

"With your hair?"

"Yeah, it feels nice."

I took the hair and started playing with it. Soon she was fast asleep.

It still didn't add up. I was almost certain she had slept with Harry while we were together. I just didn't know when. He was so persistent even I had to admit it would've been hard to resist. But why would he force her to have sex with him? They had been the best of friends since elementary school. It didn't make sense.

Diamond could still easily be my offspring. I knew for a fact that Julia's dad had brown eyes and her mum had blue. Somehow, she got green. Green would be even easier for Diamond to get since Julia had green eyes. They didn't have to be the exact same color.

But I could've sworn, Harry and Diamond had identical eye colors. I should know. Harry was my best friend. Notice the key word. Was.


*Harry's POV*

I know she said yes.

Niall was a good guy. He deserved her.
But I wanted her.

She was rightfully mine after all.

Who was there for her when her dog died in first grade? Not Niall. Me.

Who was there when she broke her knee cap in fifth grade? Me.

Who helped her through middle and high school? Me. Not Niall.

I pulled my arm back and punched the pillow on my neatly made bed. It wasn't fair.

I could break them up if I wanted to. But I'm not that mean. I had all the dirt I needed on both of them.

All of Niall's past mistakes, including the one with the beer, girl, and then the baby.

I knew that I had hooked up with Julia. It just wasn't the way he thought it was, if he even figured it out. She had been the drunk one who forced me, knowing I couldn't resist her touch.

I also knew that Diamond and I had the exact same eyes. There was no mistaking it. Even though we used protection, I'm pretty sure she was mine.

That was some pretty powerful information.

I wasn't sure if Niall would actually call the marriage off if he knew. But I knew for a fact he would get mad and probably storm off to some bar. He'd then get drunk and probably make one of the sluts who worked there pregnant. That would make Julia mad. It'd probably make her so mad that she would be the one the call it off.

I probably wouldn't be invited to their wedding if they did get married. That didn't bother me at all. I didn't want to see them kiss.

I'm pretty sure Niall was going to set up the cake and stuff tomorrow and get Julia out of the house to go and try some dresses on. How did I know this? Well, Niall and I had been friends. Best friends actually. Two key words.

Had been.





That doesn't make sense.

Guess who's birthday it is on the 19, which is this Sunday? MINE!

Yep I'm getting old.

Sorry for the wait. (again).

I've been busy and I haven't really had the motivation to write this story. I have my other one all planned out and the end will be very emotional. mwahahahaha. GO READ IT!

it's called Fly Away With Me.

Haha anyway.

Don't forget to
Keep reading!

Love you guys!

-J xx

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