Blood and Breathing

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Chapter 20.

*Julia's POV*

The doctors were friendly enough. It wasn't like they were mean. It was kind of their job to be overly nice people.

As soon as we were seated in the waiting room, Diamond started whimpering.

"Shh. It's okay baby," I whispered to her. That made her calm down a bit.

"Julia?" The nurse called. I hoisted Diamond up and followed the nurse into a room.

"So according to these files, you're here to have Diamond get a couple shots and a blood sample?" The nurse looked to me.

I could feel the bile rising in my throat. I didn't want to put her through this but it was for our own good. I needed to know who the father was.

I slowly nodded my head.

The nurse smiled. "Okay, I'll be right back with the vaccines."

I put on a smile and watched her walk out.

I sighed and put my head in my hands. Diamond seemed to know that something was wrong. She cupped my cheeks and smiled at me. I gave her a small smile and she squealed.

"I'm back," the nurse said as she walked in the door with a smile. I could see the syringes in her hand and I mentally cringed. I hated needles. They scared me out of my mind.

"So I was thinking we could draw blood first so that we can get it tested while we're giving her the vaccines," the nurse stated.

I nodded and forced a smile. "Yeah. That sounds good."

She motioned for me to put Diamond on the small table thing. She wrapped a piece of material around Diamond's upper arm and told me to hold her steady. I did as I was told and soon a dark red liquid was flowing up the clear tube.

Diamond frowned and looked at me. It was a look that said, "what is this thing doing in my arm? Get it out!"

I gave her a sympathetic smile. "It'll be over soon baby."

When the nurse was done, she gave me a band-aid to apply.

"I'm going to turn this in and be right back for the vaccines," the nurse smiled at me and left with the blood sample.

"You were great!" I complimented Diamond. She hadn't even cried. I nuzzled her nose with mine. She reached up and yanked on my hair.

"Ow!" I complained and she giggled.

Soon after, the nurse came back and gave Diamond the vaccines she needed.

"Thank you," I said once she was done.

"It's no big deal," she shrugged. "You're going to have to wait for a few minutes for the blood test results."

"That's okay," I followed her out and let Diamond pick a sticker. She picked a Hello Kitty one and stuck it to her jacket.

We sat in the waiting room and waited. I was more than nervous. I mean who wouldn't be? I was finding out who my daughter's father was. Even if it wasn't Niall, I'm sure he wouldn't mind. I'm sure he'd just act like a better father figure.

I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket so I picked it up.

"Hey babe," Niall's voice said from the other end. I smiled at his voice.

"Hi. How are you?" I asked.

"Besides the fact the I'm miserable without you, I'm pretty good," he replied.

I blushed. He was so cheesy. "And how are those invites coming along?" I wondered, knowing he wouldn't have any done.

"Actually there's a big stack on the table," he said and I could practically hear him smirking.

I laughed. "Good for you."

"So I was wondering when you'd be home," he stated.

"Well we're waiting for the blood-" I stopped. What would he do if we found out he wasn't the father? My earlier hopes of him staying were fading away.

"What? Julia, did you say blood? Where are you?" Niall asked frantically into the phone.

I heard a cough and looked up to see the nurse in front of me. "I love you Ni, but I have to go," I said sadly and hung up dispite his frantic questions.

"So I have the results," the nurse said.

I held my breath.

"Do you know anyone named Harry Styles?"




so I updated. Sorry for the wait :/



Ily all

Don't forget to comment your rants about the ending of this chapter ;)

-J xx

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