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Chapter 24.

Niall told me the sob story of how he had broken up with Julia because she "seemed distant now."

He had been crying a lot through the phone and it was hard to tell what he was saying. What I didn't get was that Niall and I had broken up the whole band because of Julia and now he was just giving her up because she seemed "distant?"

Something smelled fishy.

After he had hung up with a hiccup, I texted Julia again. She didn't answer.

I decided to check on her so I got in my car and drove to her apartment.


*Julia's POV*

I stared in the mirror at the girl with streaks of mascara running down her face.

I knew he would leave. I knew it.

I glanced at the engagement ring on my finger and aggressively ripped it off with a scream which led to more crying.

I sat down on the bathroom floor and continued to cry my eyes out, not caring about anyone else, not even my daughter who was having a cry-fest of her own in the next room.

I leaned against the wall and regretted every stupid thing I had ever done. Niall was worth way more than I had ever given him and I hoped he knew that.

I suddenly got an idea.

I could make all the pain stop with a little sip. A couple little sips and I'd be dead. The perfect solution to a horrible life.

I groggily crawled over to the cabinet under the sink and grabbed the bottle of bleach.

One little sip.

One little sip.

I carefully unscrewed the cap and a million thoughts raced through my head.

This was stupid. Suicide was a selfish act. It was for my own good. Diamond would have to go somewhere else and live with people she didn't know.

I glanced back at the bottle.

One little sip.

One little sip.

The liquid seemed to be taunting me, coaxing me to leave my misery behind.

The smell reached out with its ghost-like fingers and dug its tendrils into my brain.

"Do it. You know you want to," it seemed to be saying.

I did want to. I wanted to very much.

"Julia?" A voice called and pounded on the door which made Diamond cry even louder. "Let me in!" whoever it was called.

I didn't care anymore.

"Please let me in!"

No one would miss me.

"If you don't let me in, I'll break down this door! I know something is wrong!"

The world would be better off without me.

"Let me help you!"

No one could help me. Ever.

"Okay, that's it!"

I wanted to die.

"3-2-" a horrible cracking sounded throughout the flat.

I glanced at the bottle in my hands.


The door came down with a smack and there was a person. Some might call him a hero if they were to look back on today. I don't know. I kind of think he ruined my chances. Every single one of them.

I made my decision and tilted the bottle back.

One sip.

One tiny, little, minuscule sip.

The liquid burned as it traveled down my parched throat.

'Good bye world,' I thought as I blinked one last time.

The last image I saw was burned into my brain.

Green eyes, curls, boots. Whoever it was was screaming in my face.

Too late, there's not going back.

I'm not coming back.

I felt my eyes flutter closed and my heart rate slow.

This is the wrong decision.

I'd failed everyone.



Intense chapter holy cow!

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Thanks for 1.1k!

ily all!

-J xx

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