It's Okay

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Chapter 6.

The next morning, I woke up. Harry was gone but Niall was in his place.

Diamond was smiling at her daddy who was playfully tickling her. It was so adorable.

Niall noticed me and quickly kissed me. "She has green eyes, like yours but lighter," he says and I'm glad. I'm glad he didn't think of Harry. I wonder if he even saw him. He said he didn't. I'll believe him.

"I know. They're so pretty. She's gonna be prettier than me," I fake pouted.

"Aw babe. No one is ever going to be prettier than you in my eyes. Not even my daughter," Niall kissed me again. This time the kiss was longer and we were both breathless as we pulled away.

I gave him a smile as the nurse walked in. He handed Diamond to me to hold.

"Hello Ms. Julia! You are cleared to leave!" She smiled brightly.

"Thank goodness!" I almost screamed.

"Just sign these papers first please!"

I eagerly reached for the pen.

A look of recognition came over her face as she looked at Niall.

"Hey, aren't you Niall from that one band, Two Directions?"

Niall chuckled. "Yeah that's me. Our band was called One Direction but we split up. We had some disagreements."

"Oh," the nurse looked sad. "My daughter was a fan and she was completely devastated when you guys broke up."

"I'm sorry," Niall apologized, even though the break up was mostly my fault. I zoned out of their conversation and looked at Diamond.

Yep. It was all my fault and Diamond was living proof.

A tear slid down my face. I tried to stop crying but I couldn't.

The nurse noticed I was crying before Niall did.

"Oh. Um I'll leave you two alone," she kindly said upon noticing my tears.

Niall, who had his back to me, turned around in confusion.

As the nurse quietly left, Niall walked over to me.

"Baby, what's the matter? Why are you crying?" He asked, concerned.

"It's all my fault," I sniffled.

"What's all your fault?" Niall soothed.

"The band. The breaking up of the band," I muttered and glanced at Diamond. She had fallen asleep in my arms.

"It's hard," Niall whispered.

I looked at him in confusion.

"Without them. It's hard," a tear ran down his perfect face.

I quickly wiped it away.

He sniffled and stood up, heading for door.

I shakily stood up with Diamond in my arms.

"Let's go home," I suggested.

Niall nodded.


After the long, silent ride home, Niall helped me up the steps to our flat.

I immediately put Diamond into her crib that Hallie had bought for my baby shower.

I walked out of the nursery and found Niall sitting on the couch looking at his hands. He was muttering under his breath.

I sat next to him and put my head on his shoulder.

"It's okay," I soothed.

I felt the patch of wetness on my hand and I knew it came from his eyes.

"It's okay to cry."

He shook his head as if trying to defy his feelings as tears dripped down onto his lap.

His body shook in tremors and I knew he was letting it out. His emotions, his sadness, his fear.

"I miss them," he muttered shakily.

"I do too," I agreed.

"Even Harry," Niall confessed.

I felt more tears on my hand that was on his thigh, rubbing small soothing circles.

"I know. I miss him too," I agreed. I was debating whether or not to tell Niall about Harry's visit to my room last night when Niall spoke up.

"Julia, Harry came to the hospital yesterday. I told you he didn't so that you wouldn't worry." Niall frowned at me. His eyes were rimmed with red and his cheeks were shiny with tears.

"It's okay. I'm not mad."

Niall looked surprised. "You're not?"

"No. He kind of visited me last night when you were asleep."

"Oh. Did he try anything?" He narrowed his eyes.

"Niall!" I playfully swatted his arm and he smiled.

"Is that a yes or no?" Niall teased.

"You know it's a no, loser," I giggled.

"Shh," Niall shushed me. "You'll wake the baby!"

"Yeah like I could forget that thing I pushed out of-"

"Shaddup that's nasty," Niall cut me off with a smile.

"Oh I'm the nasty one?" I challenged.

"Of course you are! You're the one who has blood leak out of you every month."

"Yeah how could I forget?" I rolled my eyes.

"So you admit you're nastier?" He teased.

"Ha yeah right." I smirked and leaned towards him.

"Woah hold on. This wasn't part of our conversation," Niall protested nervously.

"Who said it wasn't?" I said in as smooth a voice as I could manage.

Niall gulped.

I planted my lips onto Niall's and he moaned. His tongue swiped out and licked my lip.

I could taste the salt on his lips.

"Now who's the nasty one? You just licked me," I pulled back and crossed my arms in front of my chest.

"I'll lick you somewhere else if you keep teasing babe," Niall grunted and looked at me with eyes darkened with lust.

"See you are the nasty one!" I protested.

Niall licked his lips. "Okay that's it."

He stood up and picked me up.

"Niall put me down!" I yelled.

"Shh you'll wake the baby!" Niall chuckled.

He threw me over his shoulder with ease and carried me into the bedroom.



*Leeroy voice*


Lol really so what's up?

It's almost Christmas!!

Can we get to 100 reads by Christmas please?


I love you!

Don't forget to vote :)

-Julia xx

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