Chapter 49 the finale

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When the cops took me away from the house, I kept bothering them. They can't get me threw the fence between us, "Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey, cop hey hey hey hey hey, where we goin? hey hey hey hey hey" I said, they looked so annoyed, mission accomplish. "Hey cop hey hey where we goin? hey cop sir sir sir sir sir sir sir siiiiirrrrrrr, DUDE!" I yelled the last part, I laughed when the guy suddenly slammed on the breaks. "CAN YOU STOP FUCKING TALKING!?" Yelled Deborah's dad, "Nope because your daughters a slut! and you won't do anything about her trashy ass." I said smiling, "You shut the hell up or I am gonna shoot you" he said, "That'd be a nice news headline, Cop shoots a inoccent person for telling him the truth" I said, the other cop just kept driving until we got to this creepy house, "this isn't a fucking Po Po station, you ain't cops!" I said, "Yes we are! now be quiet or I'm gonna taze you!" He said, "Nope! Ya lyin!" I said, "Put tape on her mouth already!" Deborah's dad said, they put tape on my mouth, I laughed, "Come on let's bring her inside." he said, they picked me up and carried me inside. I still had handcuffs on me and they pinch like a mother fucker. they took me to a pitch black room and sat me on a metal chair, they tied my legs, in cuffed me and quickly tied my arms, "What about the tape" I tried to say but it came out as a mumble. They turned on the lights and I saw Britney next to me sleeping, they ripped the tape off of me, "OW YOU MOTHER FUCKER!! WAIT TILL I GET UNTIED I AM GOING TO BEAT YOU SO HARD YOU WILL NOT SEE THE DAYLIGHT OF TOMORROW!!!" I looked over to see if Britney was still asleep through the yelling, and guess what she was. That bitch is a fucking heavy sleeper. "BRITNEY FUCKING TRAN WAKE THE FUCK UP OR YOU WONT SEE THE DAYLIGHTS OF TOMORROW EITHER!!!" I yelled my loudest, she stired then mumbled, "NOW!" I yelled, "Ugh! what bitch I'm trying to sleep" she said, she tried to move but realized she couldn't, "Dumb ass you are such a heavy sleeper that it is so easy to kidnap you" I said, "Wtf when the fuck did someone kidnap us?!" she said, "I may have gotten arrested" I said, "Really wendy, will there ever be a time that you wont get the cops called on you?" she said, "Bitch atleast I was awake to realize I was kidnapped" I said, "Shut up!" she yelled, a group of people then approached us, "Well since she is finally awake we can now start" said a familiar voice, "Who are you guys?" Britney asked. they came into the lighted area and the people were Sam wilkinson, Jacob Whitesides, A caked faced slut, Deborah, and Nick Pascal. "Sam! Jacob! I thought you were with us!" Said Britney, "No I was only apart of the plan to get you sweetheart" said sam, "You don't know how long we were waiting to get out hands on you and Wendy here" Said Jacob, "And even after you get rescued Hayes won't love you anymore" said Sam, Jacob put a picture on Britney's lap. Her eyes widened as she looked at the picture, I saw the picture and it was of her and Shawn kissing. "How did you know?" She asked. He smirked, "HOW DID YOU KNOW!?" She yelled. "I was at the party the whole time, I watched each and every one of you. I was the one in the shadows" he said Brit had her head down, Jacob walked over to her and lifted her head with his finger, "Oh Little Britney, you thought no one would find out? well I left a note in your room with the picture clipped to it on the back, little ole hayes will be so mad and disappointed in you, he will lose his love for you and so will little shawn." he said, tears were streaming down her face. "Oh and Wendy, this is revenge for beating up my girlfriend." said Jacob. He walked over to Deborah and put his arm around her and kissed her cheek. "Slut" I mumbled, "What bitch? I couldn't hear you?" she said smirking. "I said your a slut you ratchet whore" I yelled, she walked over and slapped me, "Hah like that hurt, you hit like a little girl, actually no worse" I said smirking. "Let's leave the boys to their jobs" Said the slut, they put a camera infront of Britney and I, they tied a cloth around our mouths to gag us, Sam and Jacob put on a black mask, they already had on black clothing, they pressed record I guess on the camera, they waited for a little bit then went over to us, jacob started to grope me while Sam was beating up Britney, "Stop!" I tried to say but it came out as "Mph!" I looked over at Britney again, she was bruising up already. He was slapping her, punching her, kicking her. Some tears started to pour from my face, that's when Jacob started to beat me. It hurt pretty bad, i saw Britney getting limp, it was awhile until I started to see black spots, punches being thrown at me one after another. Then I was out......


-After the convo~

Sam went over to me, I was scared of what he was going to do to me, I hated pain even though I was clumsy and hurt myself quiet a lot, I still hated

It, there was a video camera recording what they were doing to us, Sam started to slap me, he threw punches at my face, stomach, and the side of my head. I felt so much pain that if I tried to walk if fall immediately, he then started to kick me, the chair was probably screwed to the floor so it wouldn't fall down, because if he kicked me only once then the chair would have fell already. So much pain was going through my body, I was probably already bruising, I've always bruised easily. I started to get limp and I started to see black spots, I didn't fight against it because I didn't want to feel anymore pain. All I could think was how heart broken hayes must be from seeing the picture, in the picture I had my arms wrapped around Shawn's neck and his arms at my waist. I then blacked out into a portal of never ending darkness... If this is the end of me, I hope Hayes finds someone better then I was, and I hope Mikaylah will still be as happy as she is now.


A/n: That is the last chapter! The sequel will be up soon! Which means tomorrow or the next day, WENDY! MIKAYLAH!

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