Chapter 22

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~Courtney's POV~

after we...or I connected the camera's we started to see people besides carter wake up. Seriously how the fuck does that boy sleep so much?!!? and we started to watch the people's reactions

~different POVs~


I slowly wake up and feel something smooth by my legs, I take off my blanket and realized there are three eggs between my legs..." WHAT THE FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCKKKKK DID I FUCKING LAY EGGS IN MY SLEEP?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?" then I realized there are googly eyes all over my room " WHY ARE THERE ALSO FUCKING GOOGLY EYES ALL OVER MY ROOM THAT IS CREEPY AS FUCKKKK!!!!!!" I then started to peel off some of the eyes but it was so hard like it was used with permanent glue! grrrr. I opened my door and tried to get out only to realize that my door was syran wrapped and I fell on my butt. damn Courtney! I then went to my bathroom to do a #1 only to find out afterwards that the toilet was syran wrapped to!! "DAMN COURTNEY I HATE YOUR PRANKS!!!!" I had to take the syran wrap off it was so gross HOW THE FUCK DOES SHE DO ALL THIS SO FAST!?!?!


I woke up and went to check on Courtney, as I opened her door I saw hers and Sam's clothes thrown in random places, a condom on the floor, ropes near the bed, duct tape, and Sam in a messy bed with sex hair! "SAM FUCKING POTTORFF!!!!! WHAT THE HELL DID YOU AND MY SISTER DO LAST NIGHT?!?!?!?!!!" Sam then woke up and fell out of bed, I was so mad cause my sisters only 17! he looked around surprised himself, "JC I SWEAR WE DIDNT DO ANYTHING!!!! I DONT EVEN REMEMBER DOING ANYTHING LIKE THIS WITH HER!!!!" he yelled really fast, that made me so mad! he was probably drunk and Courtney ran away! Damn Sam! hey that rhymes!...Back to the topic and me being mad! "JC JC I SWEAR WE DIDNT DO ANYTHING IM SURE SHES PULLING A PRANK ON THE BOTH OF US!" he pleaded, "IF SHES PULLING A PRANK ON US THEN WHERE ARE THE CAMERA'S!!??! YOU WERE PROBABLY DRUNK AND YOU FORCED HER INTO BY TYING HER WITH THE ROPES AND DUCT TAPING HER MOUTH SHUT AND WHEN YOU WERE DONE SHE PROBABLY FINALLY UNTIED HERSELF AND RAN AWAY SOMEWHERE!!!!!!" I screamed at him pointing at the ropes and duct tape. his face got really scared and worried, I just stormed out of the room and left Sam there on the floor. I walked out to the back yard to get some fresh air, I walked by the pool and realized there are more fishes!!! DAMN COURTNEY!


I woke up to something crawling around on my arm, I opened my eyes to see a centipede..."AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" I screamed so loud and I started crying so hard! "GET IT OFF ME GET IT OFF MEEEEEEEE EWWWWWWWW I HATE BUGS!!!!!!! SOMEONE HELP ME PLEASEEEEEEE AHHHHHHHHHHHH ITS CRAWLING ON MEEEEE GET IT OFFF!!!" I screamed so loud that probably people in china can hear me. IDC I NEED TO GET THIS BUG OFF ME!!! I start to swipe it off my arms and ran to the bathroom, I sat on the floor and put my hands in my hair to find a sticky substance in my hair (A/n: LOL THATS WHAT SHE SAID!) I want to take a shower but, I DONT WANT TO GO BACK INTO THAT BUG INFECTED ROOM!!!! I was still crying, I heard Trevor and Taylor wake up then screaming.... damn those boys are scared of bugs too!


I heard a girl scream and realize it was Mikaylah, it was probably over something stupid like one direction following her, I then hear her scream "GET IT OFF ME GET IT OFF MEEEEEEEE EWWWWWWWW I HATE BUGS!!!!!!! SOMEONE HELP ME PLEASEEEEEEE AHHHHHHHHHHHH ITS CRAWLING ON MEEEEE GET IT OFFF!!!"  and then the bathroom door slam shut, I open my eyes to come face to face with a caterpillar, "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" I yelled I saw Trevor slowly waking up, I jumped off the bed and ran my hand through my hair only to feel a sticky substance in my hair.....THATS WHAT SHE SAID! LOL, I then ran to the closet Mikaylah must have heard because she yelled at me "TAYLOR OR TREVOR WHOEVER IS IN THE CLOSET BRING ME SOME CLOTHES IM IN THE BATHROOM I DONT WANT TO COME OUT I HATE BUGS!!!!!" I then grabbed some clothes for her and I grabbed one of my bandanas for her to wear, I quickly poke my head out and saw Trevor standing on the desk hyperventilating. I laughed at him, I quickly ran to the bathroom and knocked on the door, she opened the door and grabbed the clothes, I was about to walk in but she slammed the door in my face so quickly I didn't register what happened until about a minute later, damnit I wanted to shower with her...oh well!


I heard a Mikaylah scream at first and I thought it was just her being random, then I heard someone scream right next to me, I realized it was Taylor so I opened my eyes and I woke up to a beatle right in front of my face! "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" it was about to crawl into my mouth but I sat up so fast that it couldn't! OH MY GOD THANK THE LORD!!! I saw Taylor run into the closet then Mikaylah yelling at Taylor to get her clothes, I literally saw some more bugs and climbed onto the desk in our room and started to hyperventilate, I saw Taylor run to the bathroom, Mikaylah opening the door quickly grabbed the clothes and slammed it in his face as he was about to walk in! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA THAT FUCKER THINKS HE CAN SHOWER WITH MIKAYLAH?!?!? HELLLLLLLLLLLLZZZ TO THE NOOOO!!!! NOT ON MY WATCH HONEY MMM MMM!!!!


I woke up to people screaming "SHUT THE FUCK UP PEOPLE SOME OF US STILL WANT TO SLEEP FUCKERS!!!!" I just lied on my bed for a bit, I then realized I wont be going back to sleep so I went to get my morning Arizona but then I couldn't find my box! WHO EVER TOOK MY ARIZONA IS GOING TO DIEEEEE!!!! I then went to my bathroom and looked in the mirror, I HAD A DICK AND A MOUSTACHE DRAWN ON MY FACE!!!!!!! "WHY THE FUCK DO I HAVE A DICK ON MY FACE!!!!!!" I yelled so loud that I heard people bust out laughing! Grrrrrrr whoever did this is going to die!!! and I know it isn't Courtney because she knows not to mess with my Arizona! I tried washing it off but it wont work! I then went back to my room cause I forgot my towel and saw a sharpie on the floor! DAMNIT! NOW I KNOW FOR SURE IT WONT COME OFF FOR AWHILE FML!!!!!!!


I woke up to screaming and I heard Wendy yell something about a dick on her face, I busted out laughing! lolllll did I just really say lol in my head? fuck it YOLO! I'm so weird...I slowly sat up and rubbed my eyes. I look around my room to see everything has been silly stringed!!! UGGGHHHHH FML THIS IS GOING TO BE SO HARD TO CLEAN!!!! Ill just clean it later...Procrastination is kicking in.... I then took a shower and when I put deodorant on It started to smell like cheese....I sniffed my deodorant and I realized it was a stick of cream cheese!!!! GREAT NOW I HAVE TO GO BUY A NEW DEODERANT STICK! UGHHHHH IM SO LAZY THOUGH!!!!


I woke up everyone was screaming then I heard Wendy scream something about a dick on her face, I realized Nash was up too and we both busted out laughing! "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA" I then got up grabbed some clothes and took a shower, after the shower I decided to let my hair air dry, after me was Nash, I just went on twitter on my phone and followed some people on twitter, after Nash got out I saw his hair was really blonde.... "Nash...why is your hair blonde...?" he looked at me "Cam dude your hair is blonde too!" we both ran to the bathroom and looked in the mirror, BOTH OF US HAD BLONDE HAIR!!!! WTF!!!! we both screamed "AHHHHHHHH WHY THE FUCK AM I BLONDE!!!!!" we then ran to the living room and saw everyone sitting there with either pissed off faces or still laughing cause Wendy really does have a dick drawn on her face, I looked at her and was trying to hold in my laugh "DONT MAKE ME PUNCH YOU!!!" I shut up right away cause I knew she did boxing and wrestling, I will for sure lose that fight... odd cause I'm the older sibling....


I woke up to everyone being noisy. I then felt lots of things crawling on me, I opened my eyes to see lots of bugs all over me and the floor! "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" I screamed kinda girly, I ran while brushing off the bugs with my hands to the bathroom, I then started to freak out and cry for my mom. "MOMMYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY GET THESE BUGS AWAY FROM MEEEEEE!!! HELPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!" I'm such a man I know.... but I'm sorry if I don't like bugs!!!!!

~back to Courtney's POV~

As I watched everyones reactions Aaron and I laughed so hard that our stomachs hurt! "Aaron you know Wendy is going to kill you for that right?" I said to him, "Pshhh she cant do anything" he said I look at him and gave him the are-you-serious- look "DUDE YOU DO KNOW SHE DOES WRESTLING AND BOXING RIGHT!? THAT MEANS SHE CAN BEAT THE FRECKLES OFF OF YOU!!!" I yelled to him, "SHIT! I DONT WANT MY FRECKLES BEAT OFF OF ME THEIR MY BABIES!!!" Oh boy Aaron is in some deep shit now!

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