Chapter 43

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as the party got started courtney and i took pics for insta cause we twinned in our outfits. After that Hayes came up to me, i just glared at him. "Look Britney i know your still mad at me from the party, but i came to tell you that i really do love you Britney, even though we arent together yet. I can understand why you were mad. I really am sorry Britney i am i dont think you could even forgive me right now, but i cant apologize enough to you, so i just want to make it official now, I Hayes Benjiman Grier, Love you with all my heart, always have and always will, to the infinite. To the moon and back doesnt even compare to my love for you, if we were lost and seperated in outerspace id look for you no matter how long it takes me. Just as long as i have you back in my arms. So will you Britney Huyen Tran do the honors and be my Perfect, Beautiful, Amazing Girlfriend?" he said as he got down on one knee and held 99 beautiful lavender roses and a beautiful promise ring that was a silver band and a small aqua blue diamond (A/n: i searched up the Meaning of the color and number of roses, 99 roses stand for 'ill love you till the day i die' and lavender roses mean love/enchantment at first sight) i just had my hand covering my mouth, i just ran to him and hugged him, he picked me up and spun me around, once he put me down we kissed, i heard some cheering and woots. i smiled into the kiss, i pulled away and he put the ring on my index finger, "I'll be right back im going to get a vase for the flowers and put them in my room." i said grabbing the flowers, i went to the kitchen and got two vases, i went up to my room and filled up the two vases in my bathroom, i put them on each of my night stands with 49 in each, i had an extra one left so i cut off the stem and used a small pin and pinned it to the wooden part of the mirror on my vanity. As i left my room i locked the door and put the key in my bra, hey its a good place to store stuff when you dont have pockets! As i got downstair people congradulated me about my relationship with hayes. I thanked them and continued with the party.


When the party started The guys invited some of their other friends that they had on tour with them, Taylor introduced me to his friend Dillon Rupp and Sam wilkinson. They were really nice and cool. That was until Dillon slapped my ass. I think thats where Taylor gets it from. Ugh boys, you cant live with them but you cant live without them. I mean unless your lesbian, im not trying to be rude or homophobic because i actually support Gays/Lesbians love is love. After i went to the kitchen to get myself an Arizona Taylor came up to me, "Hey babe" he said, "Hey" i responded, "So even though we kiss, cuddle, and have cute nicknames for each other, we arent official yet." he got down on one knee and said "Mikaylah Weevie Will you do me the honor and be my Beautiful, Amazing, Perfect, and Crazy girlfriend?" i chuckled, "I like thoes adjetives let me hear acouple more then ill say yes" he laughed and got up, he wrapped his arms around my waist and i wrapped mine around his neck, "My Funny, Gorgeous, Arizona loving, Big booty girlfriend" he said, i chuckled at the last part, "Yes i will be your girlfriend" i replied. We both leaned in and soon our lips joined together and moved in sync, so many butterflies were flying around in my stomach and so many fireworks were going off, more than forth of july. It was Amazing. "And you are my Crazy, Funny, Attractive, Tall, Six packed Boyfriend" he chuckled at the last part. we just stood there swaying and holding each other in our arms. This was the best night of my life, my Dream Celebrity crush had just asked me to be his Girlfriend, no one can replace Taylor Caniff. Not even in my wildest dreams could we ever stay away from each other forever. Taylor Caniff is my other half, my missing puzzel piece, my soul mate, and he filled the unknown hole in my heart.... Taylor Michael Caniff, You are the one for me <3


So far the party had gone really well, no drama. Yet.... two couples had become official, #Brayes and #Taylah is real, I SHIP THE FUCK OUT OF IT i saw Hayes and Britney making out on the couch, i then yelled, "OMG #BRAYES I SHIP IT!! FOREVER BRAYES!" they pulled away and turned really red, "REALLY WENDY YAH HAD TO KILL THE MOMENT!" Brit yelled over the music, i laughed "YES! I REALLY DID!" i yelled back then ran away with her chasing me and Hayes trying to calm her down. I just suddenly stopped running, took a step to the side, and stuck my foot out, she then tripped over my foot and fell face first to the floor, it amazes me though how she can run in heels. "Hahahaha Cant catch me Bitch" i said laughing at her. "You can have your girlfriend back now Hayes! And use protection! i dont want no lil Hayes or Britneys runnin around!" i yelled as i ran away. i then went to go find Matt, i found him in the back yard comforting Connor. "Hey, what happened?" i asked, "Sadie finally told him" i nodded my head understanding what he meant. "Its okay connor there will be other girls, you practically have them throwing themselves at you" i said. "b-but nothing is gonna compare to what i had with S-sadie" he said, he looked like he was about to cry, "Babe bring him upstairs with some Starbucks ice cream (These actually exsist and they are so fucking delish!), a giant teddy bear from brit, and put on netflix for him" i said, he nodded and left to go get the stuff, i just took connor upstairs by myself. "Its going to be okay connor, how about tomorrow we go hang out and forget about Sadie, lets go get some starbucks tomorrow, and go to the fair, and go bbq on the beach." i said, he nodded, "That sounds good" he said with a small smile, "Theres that frantastic smile!" he chuckled at that,"And that laugh doe" i said, wow im on a role bitches! Matt then came in "Here is everything that you told me to get." he gave it all to connor, "Since when did starbucks have ice cream and how did i not know about this?" connor said eating spoonfuls of it. "Well lucky for your white girl butt we have gallons of them in the basement" his eyes went wide, "Do not tell any of the other girls about this or i will kill your ass" i threatened, his eyes went wide and he shook his head fast, "Good now just relax and enjoy the rest of your night" i said ruffling his hair, "Oh Wendy before you leave... uhm Thank you..." he said, "For what?" i asked, "For being the sister i wished was here" he said, i smiled "Any time Franta" i said closing the door, "So Babe, lets head back to the party?" i asked him, "Before we go, i want to make us official, so will you Wendy Arteaga be my Beautiful, Amazing, Kick ass girlfriend?" i smiled, "Yes i will Matthew Lee Espinosa," i said, We sealed it with a kiss, and we went down the stairs, but the second i stepped foot on the main floor i heard a familiar ugly voice, "There she is! Arrest her now!" Matt and i looked at each other, then we looked to where the voice came from and it was from the witch Deborah, "What did i fucking do bitch?" i asked her, "Remeber the halloween party? Well yeah im back for revenge bitch, you will wish you have never messed with me" she said getting in my face, "Bitch get the hell outta my face i aint gonna kiss you cause i aint lesbian and i have a boyfriend so you better get out of my face or you will wish you never have messed with me." i said to her, the cops came and hand cuffed me, "Miss i am taking you to the La county jail for the attack on Deborah, you are now under arrest, you must remain silent or the things you say will be used against you in court." said one officer. "See you in court bitch, and im going to win this fight" she said smirking, she then went over to matt and started to get all up on him, "Oh hell no bitch you can mess with me but you can not mess with my boyfriend, now you better back off or i will get out of these hand cuffs and make you" i said to her, "Hah yea right, take her away officers. and have a nice day Daddy!" she said, the cops then took me out of the house, i looked behind my back and saw her kiss Matt but he pushed her off. "Excuse me officer you do realize your daughter is a slut right? I mean she is barely wearing any clothes" i said to him, "You be quiet or we will put you in the cell right away" he said back to me sternly, "Whatever dude im just stating the truth and apparently you cant take the truth and realize your daughter is trying to wreck my relationship and she is a complete slut" i said, he then pushed me roughly into the back seat, "You need to shut up now or else ill make you!" he said, "What are you gonna do? i have witnesses from what happened, you can put a lie detector on me if you want to, all i speak is the truth and it seem you cant seem to realize YOUR DAUGHTER IS A SLUT! S-L-U-T SLUT!" i yelled the last part, "That is it!" he then slapped me, "Cant you get in prison for assault without a reason? i mean officers can go to prison, you guys think you can do whatever you want but you really cant" i said smiling, he just slammed the door in my face and got in the car and the other officer drove off.

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