Chapter 38

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~Courtney's POV~
I woke up early and decided to go wake up Britney. I went to her tent and she was laying with carter... I'll ask her about that later. I dragged her by her feet out of the tent, she screamed once but she realized who it was she shut up. "Why did you drag me out of my tent!? I was dreaming of kissing Dylan o' Brian!!" she whisper yelled at me, "Well do you want to prank people *click* or nahh?" I asked her, "YAAAAAASSS" She responded.
We got my prank stuff that I hid in the RVS outer compartment, she saw the robotic remote control bugs, she smirked evilly, we then grabbed what we needed, set up cameras, and headed off to who we were going to prank, I first went to Wendy and Matt's bed in the RV, I then drew Dickhead on Wendy's forehead, a smiley face on her cheek, and I wrote 'Matts property' on her other cheek. I wrote 'Wendy's property' on his right cheek, then a dick on his other. I wrote them in a semi permanent marker. I managed to Saran Wrap them to the bed, I then went to Jc and Lia's bed and I made a mixture of flour, water, corn syrup, and clear flavorless gelatin powder, I mixed it together and poured it in a bucket and balanced it on the shelf above them, I had a rope around the bucket and it was tied to the door, so when someone opened the door the mixture would be poured on them, then I went to Mikayalah and Taylor's room I hid some of the robotic bugs that were realistic like the snake, it was also remote controlled, I then drew dicks all over their faces, the last thing I did was sprayed the ass smelling air spray. I was trying to hard to not laugh at what was going to happen, I climbed out of the window to get out, once I jumped out I headed to Shawn's bed, I balanced a package on peas on a open shelf above his bed so if he left he'd get a pack of peas fallen on him, I cracked eggs all around him ( he was in a sleeping bag inside the tent, so he didn't feel it), and then sprayed his room with the ass smelling spray. I left his room to Kian and Andreas bed, I drew a mustache and some flowers and hearts all over his face, I then hid Andreas straightener and makeup, I had Britney help me move them one by one to the far side of the lake and just left them there in their pjs I gave them their phones, to be nice a bit. I proceeded to Jack j and Yatzari's bed, I hid the remote control snake, remember it looks realistic, really realistic. I had wrote 'Nash's property' on one cheek, 'Jack j's property' on the other, then I wrote 'I love Nash and jack j's dicks' on her forehead I had to quickly prank jack j before I bust up laughing, I quickly threw eggs on their beds, I ended up putting glue in jack j's hair and quickly left outside to laugh my ass off. I went back in and went to Nash's bed. I covered his bed in silly string, fake blood, and maple syrup. I then poured hot sauce in my hand an rubbed it all over his hands. I lastly saran wrapped his door, and left. I saw Britney finishing in Trevor and Hayes tent, I called her over and we hid in the bushs pretty far from the camp site, I turned on my laptop and waited for everyone to wake up.
~Britney's POV~
"Britney, you know I love you right?" Dylan said, "Yes Dylan, I do... but why would a super famous hot actor like you would like an average girl like me...?" he chuckled, "Oh Britney... I just wished you had realized how perfect you are, I fell in love with you because you don't treat me like I'm some big celebrity unless you ask why I love you." I smiled really big and looked down at my feet while blushing, I felt a finger under my chin push my head up to face the person, "Don't hide your blush, you look adorable when you do..." he said while he rested his head against mine, we were about to kiss
-Dream over-
I was then woken up from my dream by someone dragging me by my feet, I screamed once and I opened my eyes to see Courtney, I then shut up and waited till she stopped. "Why did you drag me out of my tent!? I was dreaming of kissing Dylan o' Brian!!" I whisper yelled at her when I finally stood up. She then asked me if I wanted to prank people, I sad yes of course! we went to grab the stuff, when we finished setting up the cameras and everything we went to prank people, I first went to Sadie and Connors tent, I put a Plastic head on the floor so it was facing their bed and put a scream mask on the head, a knife besides it, I spilled fake blood everywhere, I left their tent, I went to Jack g and Lillie's tent, I drew lipstick marks all over jacks face, I messed up their hairs, I had brought some of my prank condoms with me, I opened one, stretched it out, and threw it to the Side of them, I sprayed their tent with a air spray that smelled like sex. don't ask me how they got the exact smell, I don't know.... I did a few other pranks until my last one I got called over to Courtney and we went to a pretty far area in the woods, we turned on her laptop, we connected to the cameras, then waited for everyone to wake up.

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