Chapter 24

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~Courtney's POV~

after dyeing back Cam and Nash's hair we got bored again, "Couuuuurrrrrrttttnnneeeyyyy what are we going to do with the fishes! they aren't going to live in their forever!" Jc whined to me, "don't worry if you find the pool tools then we can sell them back to the pet shop owner!" I said to him, "THEN TELL ME WHERE THE FUCK DID YOU HIDE THE POOL TOOLS!" He yelled to me, "uh uh uh if your gonna yell at me like that then I'm not going to tell you!" I told him, "I know where they are..." said Aaron, I glared at him, "If you tell anyone I'm going to have Wendy literally beat the freckles off of you!" I said, "The only people who know are Aaron and the girls, and if anyone tries to get it out of any of us Wendy and I will both beat you and throw you off the pier!" I said to them. I still had a couple of prank supplies left so if anyone tries to get me back they'll be sorry. man I love pranking! But today I pick up Britney from the hospital, I decided to go by myself and surprise hayes since I didn't tell anyone when she was getting out. I got some clothes for her to wear, then went downstairs. "RICKY IM BORROWING YOUR CAR!" I yelled to him. "BRING IT BACK IN ONE PIECE!" He yelled, "NO PROMISES" I said while laughing. I then ran to his car and started the engine, I left to the hospital, but on the way I got starbucks for both of us since she missed starbucks yesterday. I got her a Nutella frap, which is a mocha frap with 2 pumps of hazelnut, and a caramel frap drowned in caramel for me.... I wonder how I stay so skinny. Britney got all her cast off but she is still weak so she can't board, it's sad, but she will help me prank them. I finally got to the hospital and checked her out, I went to her room, "hey Brit I checked you out so we can leave now, but first these." I handed her, her clothes and a brush. she stood up, went to the bathroom and changed. after about 15 minutes she finally came out, I have her a black maxi dress, some grey gladiator sandals, and her black wayfarer. I also handed her starbucks. "Thanks Courtney! it was so boring here! what did I miss?" she asked me, I told her about the pranks and the fight. she busted up laughing so hard that she had to sit down. "OMG I can't believe I missed that! I would've been better than aaron, putting eggs between Kian's legs, and you guys didn't prank Sadie, Jack g, and Lillie! but we can get them back when we get home!!!" i then had an idea in my head, I whispered in her ear another plan, we went to party city to get re-tractable knives, fake blood, and another fake gun. we then drove home, we climbed up my slide hid the stuff and went back down, we then went to the front door and we both walked in, "HONEY WERE HOME! NOW WHERE IS MY SAMMICH!!??!!" I yelled, Britney busted up laughing, everyone then looked at us and look at Britney in surprise, "BRITNEYYYYY!!!!!!" They yelled then tackled her in a hug "WELL WHAT A SAFE WELCOME HOME!" She yelled from under the dog pile. i laughed, I winked at her, "NOW EVERYONE GET OFF HER! WE NEED TO TALK IN PRIVATE!" I yelled at them, I took her hand and dragged her upstairs, and we got ready, and changed into some random t-shirts and shorts for the prank, we then started to yell "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN IT WAS MY FAULT!" I yelled, she then stormed downstairs, "ITS OBVIOUSLY YOUR FAULT! IF WE HADNT LEFT NONE OF THAT WOULD HAVE HAPPENED!" she yelled at me infront of everyone, "WELL IM SORRY IT WASNT MY FAULT THAT I DIDNT KNOW A CAR WAS GOING TO HIT US!!!" I yelled back at her, "Whoa whoa whoa what is going on here!" yelled jc, "BRITNEY FUCKING BLAMES ME FOR US BEING HIT BY THE CAR!" I yelled at jc, "WHAT ITS NO ONES FAULT YOU GUYS DIDNT KNOW!" Jc yelled at us, "NO IT WAS HER FAULT I WAS IN THERE FOR 3 AND A HALF WEEKS!!!" Britney yelled then pulled out her 'gun', "WHOA WHOA BRITNEY ARE YOU INSANE! PUT DOWN THAT GUN! HAYES DO SOMETHING YOUR GIRLFRIEND IS FUCKING CRAZY!!" Jc yelled, I then pulled out my 'gun' "COURTNEY! BOTH OF YOU DROP THE GUNS AND NO ONE WILL GET EVEN MORE HURT!" Jc tried to tell us calmly but failed. we both dropped our guns, "good now let's go back inside..." hayes said calmly, Britney blinked twice, that was our signal to pull out our fake knives. we both pulled them out at the same time, and ran at each other, she tried to cut me but I did a back flip and 'stabbed' her in the stomach, fake blood then started to stain her shirt and she fell to the floor holding her stomach. "BRITNEYYYYY!!! NO!! HOW COULD YOU DO THAT COURTNEY!??!!!" We were still in character for awhile, then Britney and I busted up laughing, everyone looked at us wide eyes and confused, "YOU JUST GOT PRANKED!" we both yelled "OMG NEVER DO THAT AGAIN!! I THOUGHT I WAS GOING TO LOSE YOU AGAIN BRITNEY!" Hayes yelled hugging Britney tightly while she was still laughing "COURTNEY I THOUGHT YOU HAD GONE CRAZY FOR GOD SAKES! THAT WAS SUCH A CRUEL PRANK!!" Both sam and jc yelled, "thought i'd have a good welcome home present for Britney" I said to them blankly, "cause she sure had fun with the prank too!" I said while smiling.

~Britney's POV~

After the prank and a shower, Hayes and I went to our room and we just watched some tv and cuddled, that was the best prank I've ever done and I got to admit that was really good acting! I should get a Grammy, lol like I would ever get one. "Hayes what would you do if that really happened?" I asked him, "I don't know what i'd do if Courtney really stabbed you, I don't think I would ever forgive her tbh" I smiled at him knowing how much he loves me, I eventually fell asleep with my head on his shoulder and his arm wrapped around me.

A/n: Well that was a prank, I hope you like the chapter! friendly reminder you can still sign up for the roles of any of the guys who aren't takens girlfriend! just comment or DM!

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