Chapter 21

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~Courtney's POV~

As I walked to find the doctor I bumped into someone I never expected to see again...My bully, Nick pascal, my eyes widened. he noticed me and smirked. he walked over to me as I stood there frozen, I was scared shitless. "hey slut what are you doing here at the hospital? you anorexia went to far? or you just didn't cut deep enough?" he said then laughed, tears started to prick at my eyes. "awwww is the little slutty baby gonna cryyyyy??" he taunted, he then slapped me in the face and pushed me down. "you aren't gonna do anything you little slut? no ones going to save you bitch!" I just sat there and curled up in a ball against the wall, "hahaha is that all your going to do? your such a weakling! can't even defend yourself to save your life!" he started to punch and kick me, I just lied there in pain. "HEY! STOP HURTING HER YOU DICK HEAD!!!" I heard a voice yell, I look up and see Sam, Jack G, and Nash. "What are you gonna do about it? she deserves it anyways for being the little whore she is!" he says to them, "DO NOT TALK ABOUT MY GIRLFRIEND THAT WAY!" I heard Sam yell, "Oh your her boyfriend, or shall I say fuck buddy" he says to them. Sam then charged at him with Nash and Jack behind him, they started to beat up Nick, and Sam managed to knock him out. I was still sitting there crying and watching the fight. Sam then came and picked me up and we all went back to the waiting room together.

~Britney's POV~

Another guy walked into my room and he was kind of cute, wait what am I thinking I have hayes...the guy that came in has dark brown hair, and a SnapBack on, he looked so familiar... I couldn't put my finger on it, "hey cutie" he said, "I know you don't remember me but let me introduce myself again, my names carter, and thanks for the compliment when I came in, I know I'm cute and all but, I think you should be with hayes, he's the one your meant to be with." he said, damn I said that he was cute out loud, my cheeks began to heat, he then held my hand, and my hands began to tingle, I looked down at my lap, then looked up at him smiling "well carter i hope I regain my memory about you soon, but for now..." I trailed off and gave him a kiss on the cheek, he blushed a little bit, "carter can you tell the rest of the guys that I'll meet them tomorrow, I'm really tired right now." I said to him, he nodded but he stayed there a little bit until I felt my eyes get heavy, he was still holding my hand, before I fell asleep I hear him whisper, " I love you cutie" then gave me a kiss on the lips, I felt a little sparks but not as much as me and hayes, I don't know what to do, I just let my dreamless sleep take over me, and that's when the warm ness in my hand went away...

~Courtney's POV~

We all headed back to the house after carter told us that Britney fell asleep, I was still frightened about what happened earlier, when someone put their hand on my shoulder I flinched. I sat in the back of the van on Sam's lap, and he had his arms wrapped around my waist, it felt safe and I finally relaxed, when we got home Sam helped me get cleaned up, and we all decided to watch a movie on netflix, Jack j, Aaron, Shawn, and I went to walmart to grab popcorn and other drinks and snacks, we started to film vines and did silly things like fencing with pool noodles, riding the bikes, and when we got to the food section finally, we grabbed what we needed, I grabbed my phone and a pack of peas and went on vine, I started to film and whispered to the camera "pea cam" I then snuck behind Shawn and I threw the pack of peas at him and ran away, it hit him in the back of his head and he fell over, apparently Aaron and Jack saw and they both started to bust out laughing, then Aaron started to help him up being the nice person he is, and when Shawn regained is balance, he chased me around walmart, I grabbed one of the skateboards and I boarded away from him, until I almost hit this man wearing a girls tank top and daisy dukes, I gaged and kept boarding, we eventually paid for the things we actually needed and some stuff to use for pranks, like some sticky notes, sharpies and other things....oh how I love pranking! we also headed to party city and got some scary mask, silly string, and a fake gun. We left all the pranking stuff in my room while the boys took the snacks to the kitchen and set everything up, we then all decided to watch the purge, it was kind of scary, but watching some of the guys scream like girls were hilarious! we all decided to go to bed while Aaron and I came up with pranks.

-tHe NeXt MoRnInG~

The guys and I woke up early in the morning and I saw that there were still some fishes in the pool, and they still haven't found the pool tools yet. I grabbed some glue and started to glue googly eyes in Kian's room, syran wrapped his door, and toilet. I carried sam to my hiding room, blind folded him, tied him with some ropes, and duct taped his mouth. I had some left over condoms in the last prank, I opened one, stretched it out put it on the floor, messed up the bed, threw some of mine and Sam's clothes in random places, and lastly I went to go untie Sam and put him back in the bed, damn this boy is a heavy sleeper! I then grabbed the left over honey, went to Taylor, Trevor, and Mikaylah's room and put honey in Taylor and Mikaylah's hair, I grabbed some glue and then put it on all of Taylor's bandanas because you never know which one he's going to use. I went to Ricky's room and took this package of fake poop, broke it up into wishbone sized pieces, put it in water to be a little moist, and dropped it all over Ricky's room, for Nash and Cameron's room I replaced their shampoo with thick blonde hair dye. I quickly ran to the pet store with a small laundry basket and bought some more bigger fishes like koi fish and some fish food, and ran back to the house. I dumped the fishes in the pool and poured a handful of fishfood in the pool, I wonder how these fish still survive the chlorine...Oh Well!!! I went to Carters room and put chocolate syrup, whipped cream. honey.caramel, and strawberry syrup all over him, I ran back to my room and grabbed the sticky notes. I then ran outside and put sticky notes all over Ricky, Kian, and Connor's cars. I wonder what Aaron did...

~Aaron's POV~

after finishing planning everything with the Courtney, I went to Jc's room and put some sticky notes all over his room, I took some whipped cream and went to Trevor's room and saw what Courtney did to Mikaylah and Taylor, I help in my laugh and put whipped cream in all of their shoes. I went to my room and grabbed a container. it had a bunch of centipedes, beatles, crickets, and caterpillars in it, I ran back to their room and put a centipede on Mikaylah, a beatle on Trevor, and a caterpillar on Taylor. I went to Hayes room and just tipped the container over on the floor and opened the cap to let them go. I quickly ran out of the room. I looked around the backyard to find anything else to use, I look around and fine out that someone put koi fishes in the pool...Courtney, I laughed quietly, damn she's good at pranking. I then had an idea, I went to the kitchen and grabbed some eggs, I then went to Kian's room, seems hes also been pranked by Courtney, because I ran into syran wrap, ill re wrap it later, I then went to Kian's bed and carefully took off his blanket and put three eggs between his legs and then put his blanket back on. I re-wrapped the door, I went to Wendy's room and saw she hasn't been pranked yet, I grabbed a sharpie and drew a dick facing her mouth and moustache, I then saw she had a box full of Arizonas in her room, I carried that out and took it to the attic that Britney told us about. I saw that the pool tools were up that's where that went...contemplating whether I should get it... OR NAHHHHHH LOL I just left them there. lfinally the last prank, I'm not going extreme like Courtney, I went to Matt's room and saw no one pranked it I went to his bathroom, replaced his deodorant with cream cheese, lame I know, silly stringed his whole room, poured caramel everywhere, and threw some of the condoms that Courtney bought around his room. I met back up with Courtney who I found leaving carters room and we hid in this hiding place in her room, but when I went into her room I saw a condom and some clothes on the floor..."its just part of the prank don't worry Sam and I didn't do anything nashty" she whispered, she turned on her laptop and turned on the cameras that I didn't even know that she set up.

A/n: after the sad part I hope I made you guys laugh from the pranks! just so you know my friend mikaylah is TERRIFIED of bugs! LOVE YOU WENDY AND MIKAYLAH! AND I WILL UPDATE AGAIN TODAY IS I GET ATLEAST 6 COMMENTS PLEASEEEE!!!! id like to know what you guys think of the story!!!

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