Chapter 44

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~After the Arrest of Wendy~

I was dancing around on the dance floor with Britney, we were just being weird like we always do. I then pulled her in by her waist, i layed my forehead against hers, she smiled. All of the Stars by Ed Sheeran was playing, we were just swaying out hips, "You know i love you right?" i said to her. "Yes, i do Hayes, with all of your heart, more than to the moon and back, bigger than the Galaxy" she said, i kissed the tip of her nose. She then wrapped her arms around my neck, we both leaned in and kissed. The kiss was amazing, fireworks, butterflies, heck i think our fireworks are bigger than all of the fireworks in the world combined. I pulled away and rested my forehead against hers again, "You know no one could ever replace you?" i said, she smiled really widely and blushed. "Your blush is adorable, your small nose is adorable, your smile is the only thing that could make me smile even in my worst times. But in reality, your too adorable and perfect. I feel like im so lucky to have you, im the luckiest guy on earth to have an amazing, sweet, beautiful, funny, and weird girlfriend." she just smiled a cheesey smile. i leaned in to kiss her again. she was just too adorable, "Ill be right back im going to go get an arizona" she said. i nodded, i hesitantly let go of her hand, i just turned around back to the dance floor, thats when i saw her damnit! i just wanted one good party! "Hey babe" she said trying to be flirty but failing, "Um i am not your babe so please dont call me that" i said trying to be polite. "Oh come on, you know you want me, you did back at the halloween party" she said biting her bottom lip trying to look seductive, she ended up looking like a horse. "Um i was drunk, i dont know how i wanted you when i was drunk, but i have a girlfriend and you had already ruined our relationship at first, so will you please go away?" i said backing away, all of a sudden she looked behind me, i was about to look behind me until she grabbed my face and forced me to kiss her. "Really Hayes?! i have been gone for 2 MINUTES! 2 MINUTES! and your already back with that slut?! I thought you said you loved me... and only me...." her voiced cracked at the end, she was now crying, Britney then took off her ring and threw it at me, she then ran off. "SEE WHAT YOU HAVE DONE VERONICA?! YOU ALWAYS HAVE TO RUIN IT FOR ME! WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL?!" i picked up the ring, and just put it in my pocket. Then a random girl from the party came up to veronica and bitch slapped her across the face, veronica then fell on the floor. "REALLY BITCH?! DO YOU ALWAYS HAVE TO RUIN A PERFECT RELATIONSHIP?! WHY ARE YOU EVEN HERE ANYWAYS?! NO ONE LIKES YOU!!! WHY CANT YOU GET THAT THROUGH YOUR HEAD?! OH WAIT YOU PROBABLY BLEACHED YOUR HAIR SO MUCH THAT THE BLEACH WENT TO YOUR BRAIN! OH AND I WOULD NEED A CHAINSAW TO CHOP OFF ALL THAT MAKE UP OF YOURS!" The girl yelled, "AND PUT ON SOME ACUTAL CLOTHES!" i Yelled, the girl and i high fived, "Now go get your girl back while i throw this bitch in the ocean" the girl said dragging veronica out by her weave, im surprised that it didnt come off. What a strong weave. I then ran around the house, i had ran into carter, "Carter! where is Britney?!" i yelled at him, "Well damn if you could ask nicely ill tell you" he said, he was about to walk off until i grabbed his hat. "Aye! not cool bro!" he yelled, since i had longer arms he couldnt reach it. "Tell me where she is then ill give it back" i said, "Fine shes with shawn!" i then threw his hat somewhere in the crowd. "Really bro?! i thought we were cool" he said running into the sweaty crowd. i then heard him yell, "EW WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST LICK ME?!" i just dyed laughing. "HAVE FUN WITH THE LICKING CARTER!" i yelled back at him. ugh i forgot to ask him where they went, wait they might be in her room! as wrong as that sounds, i ran upstairs to her room and saw...









The one who got away (O2L/ magcon fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora