I follow each of her movements, right up until she's curled up beside me. My head tucks away in her neck, her arms encasing me safely while she repeatedly kisses my head. "I do worry that one day you'll ask me to leave, that you'll no longer want me around.You're this amazing woman with a force the Gods can't even stop as much as they try. I am eternally grateful for everything you have done for me but I don't deserve you. My past is fucked up and it's not something I want you to be a part of."

"Lex, if I got fed up with people, I wouldn't have those lunatics that I call my family. I don't care how bad your past is, mine isn't exactly sunshine and rainbows. I don't have any real experience with relationships, but I do know that I never want to lose you, I want to be yours forever." I place a kiss to the space beneath her ear, resulting in an array of goosebumps. "I'm not going anywhere unless you ask me to." My hand fists in her shirt. I'm desperate to keep her close with how emotional I currently am. My hormones must be trying to realign themselves.

Oliver is definitely going to bug me about knowing this was going to happen. I guess he does know me and my taste in hotties. A part of me resents that, the other isn't surprised.

"So names, what do you think?" When I look up, a happy smirk raises on the corner of her lips. "Not sure. I haven't had a chance to look at them much while sleeping for the last two hours." Agreeing, her head tilts to the side, making me giggle. "What about Amelia from the two character's you love?"

"Like Amelia Pond and Amelia Thermopolis?"

"Yeah. You always go on about how they are some of your favourite characters because of their strength and personalities." I told her that months ago, I'm surprised she remembers. "Alright. Amelia Caroline Smith, after my Mum as well." She smiles sadly, pecking my nose. "I love it, Shortie."

"Ashton. It means protection, and he's the big brother." I peek over to the boy, feeling like it suits him. "Sounds accurate. You Dad's name in the middle?" She asks and I nod. "Dylan, like from Rugrats?" I chuckle at the reference. "Why Rugrats?"

"It was something I used to watch with my brother and sister when they were little. We all loved Dil because he was a natural leader and smart toddler."

"Well, I approve anyway. He needs a middle name though." I snuggle into her some more. "Lowell. It means little wolf. He is the smallest and obviously is a Wolf."

"How are you so good with names?" I mutter, rubbing my nose against her jaw. "I helped my Mum and Dad choose baby names when expecting my siblings."

"You never talk to me about them."

"There isn't much to tell. My Mum and Dad were incredible loving parents and tried to fight off the Rogue. My brother and sister were remarkable and independent, like me most of the time. I told them to run while I dealt with the Wolf once my parents were done, and I haven't seen them since." She mutters under her breath. "I'm so sorry, Lex."

"It's in the past. I've moved on with my life."

Half an hour passes, and I manage to convince Lex to take a nap. She hasn't slept since last night, and that was only about three hours, it's been one Hell of a ride since then.

"Everything alright here?" Carefully extracting myself from the heavy female's grip, I waddle over to Sidonie. "Brilliantly. If you need their names, we've settled on some. She's exhausted right now, so please don't wake her up." We both glance back to Lex who's sprawled out on top of the bed covers, drooling. "No worries. I'll write their certificates up later and drop them by your place tonight. I just want to do some checks while I have no appointments."

She leads me over to the chairs in the corner of the room. "Do you think you'll be alright sitting on these?"

"I'll be fine, there's barely any pain anymore."

The UnbrokenOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora