"We'll just check a few things before getting started." I nod. "You've mentioned struggling with a few things, can you explain those to me?"

"I'm getting through at least six meals a day, constantly being hungry. However, I barely keep any of it down." She makes a squiggle on her pad. "Getting sickness isn't unusual, even to this degree. It commonly occurs between twelve and fourteen weeks but typically occurs earlier. There are a few things that may help such as having small frequent meals that contain a lot of carbohydrates, I'll give you a leaflet at the end for that. Is there anything concerning about your vomiting, blood as an example?"

"No, just a lot of it."

"You haven't lost weight or been able to hold anything for more than twenty four hours?" She's seemingly ticking off a list. "No, I'm still gaining weight and can keep a few things in, toast mainly."

"Good. Addressing the increased hunger; your species naturally ingests at a higher rate anyway, the same goes for your baby. Try high calorie carbs and protein shakes, they may also help for the nutrients and filling sensation." I make the mental note to buy some when I get home or am next shopping.

"Any physical problems?"

"Apart from feeling like a whale and the occasional backache, no." She sniggers, doing so myself also. "What about sleep?"

"At least eight hours a night at the moment, with a few naps throughout the day." She nods, smiling broadly at the fact. "You said you feel too big for ten weeks, you're sure you're not further along?"

"It can't be more, literally impossible." Considering the only time I came close to having sex was over a year ago and with a girl, there is no other possibility. I was a virgin before this.

"Let's get this done then." She reaches over to a moveable screen while I lay back while folding up my shirt. I leave her to it, staring up at the ceiling while the freezing goo is moved around my skin. The sensation is rather soothing, bringing down my natural heat.

"Zoe, still with me?" Hurling myself back into reality instead of mulling over a few trade deals, I turn to her awaiting features. "Sorry, I got distracted."

"No worries." She beams. "Before I tell you about the results of the tests, I need to talk about something with you."

"Is something wrong?" My body tenses into a rock, panicked about a problem or abnormality. I try sitting up but she eases me back down with her hand. "Calm down, nothing is wrong. I just need to discuss something vital with you." I agree.

She twists the monitor to face me more while the device in her hand pushes against my abdomen again. "Do you see these grey smudges?" Her finger moves between them. "Yes."

"Those are three babies. You're having triplets." She's using her empty voice again.

Groaning, my head smacks into the pillow. Fingers pulling at my hair then moving to push against my eyes, I grimace. I knew this would happen, she did warn me but I still hoped it wouldn't.

"From what I can see, they're identical. The next choice is again yours, many complications come from carrying more than one child." Dare I ask, "Such as?"

"Health risks sometimes occur: premature labour, anaemia, gestational diabetes, miscarriage or stillbirth, as well as many more." Fuck my life. One kid, that's fine. Two, pushing it. Three, how the Hell am I meant to take care of three. "What are the risks for a Wolf?"

"Very few. Your body will heal before you can sustain damage from carrying. Assuming your babies are also Wolves, there is a slim chance they will come to harm but if they are half-breeds or human, the risks increase."

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