chapter six : caught

Start from the beginning

"Stay safe, also, the public know your face so wear some sunglasses to try and hide your face," he said and Elisa nodded.

Elisa walked back into her room and put on the sunglasses that were apart of her suit. She walked out of the base. Happy standing by his car, yelling in his phone.

"Can you take me to Central Park?" She asked and Happy nodded.

"Get in," He mouthed out and she did, watching through the window as he yelled.

When he hung up, he walked around and got inside.

"Sorry about that, family stuff," he said and Elisa nodded.

"Sounds bad from what I heard," She said as she unlocked her phone, texting Peter about being on her way.

Elisa scrolled through her Instagram, seeing a post from her Dad. A picture of her, obviously taken by his glasses. Elisa noticed that he tagged her and she widened her eyes as she finally noticed her notifications.

She was instantly famous.

Elisa scrolled through to see that everything was liked by people she didn't even know.

She looks just like Tony! One comment read and Elisa smiled.

Elisa looked up when the car stopped at a park.

"Thank you, Happy!" She smiled and got out, pushing her glasses up her nose and got a text from Peter.

Look up!

Elisa looked up to see him down the path and she walked over, a smile on her face.

"Hey!" She greeted him and he smiled.

"Hey, the public knows your face, do you want to wear my hoodie?" He asked and Elisa shrugged.

"If you really want to I mean it's not going to hide my face," she chuckled and he nodded.

They walked down the path and Elisa noticed a few stares, a couple camera clicks, she brushed it off. She looked over at Peter who was looking around.

"I can't even see them," he said and Elisa nodded, turning on her glasses.

She looked around and saw heat signatures coming from the bushes and some up in trees.

"Get down before you hurt yourself!" Elisa called out and a couple tree ruffles later, some people with cameras came down.

"Elisa, is this your boyfriend?" One asked and they continued to walk.

"No, we're just friends," she said as they turned a corner.

"How did you meet?" He asked.

"Stark internship," Peter answered and she smiled.

"Do you know the real identity of Spider-Man?" Another one asked.

"Yet to meet him," she smiled and pulled Peter off, soon evading the men with cameras.

"The stuff people do for a paycheck," she sighed and Peter nodded.

"Do you just want to hang at my place instead?" Peter asked and Elisa smiled.

"That sounds nice," she said and they walked off, she kept her head down until they went down to the subway.

Elisa watched him silently as they sat in the train. Peter was looking at something to show her on his phone.

She took a mental image and she looked at his phone.

"Oh, what's your Instagram?" She asked, pulling her own phone out.

He gave her the name and followed him. They showed each other memes and funny videos until their stop came.

The two got up and Peter led the way.

"So fair warning, the area is safe but not that safe," he said and Elisa shrugged.

"I've dealt worse than petty thieves, plus I got spider-boy with me," she smiled and noticed the blush on his cheek.

Elisa looked away as they walked into the tall building.

"So I had no idea what I was doing when I invited you to hang out," Peter admitted and Elisa laughed.

"I'm sure we can find something," she said and Peter nodded.

"Alright," Peter said and Elisa got herself ready to act innocent to his apartment. They walked inside, Peter locking the front door behind him to keep unwanted people out. Elisa made her way to the living room.

She walked around with a smile on her face as she looked at photos she didn't get a chance to see before.

She giggled at a few.

That's when the idea popped in her head and she turned.

"Let's bake a cake"

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