Sleepless Nights

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Jordan- 2

Ever since getting a toddler bed, Jordan hated it. Night after night the two year old would wake up and scream bloody murder. Hank and Justin were tired, one if them if not both of them would stay awake with her until she went back to sleep.

Hank would rock and hold his little girl until she calmed down. He tried everything to get her to sleep in her bed but it never worked. He tried to get hia work schedule fixed so he can stay with her at night so his son could at least get some sleep.

It was a dark and stormy night in Chicago, a bad thunderstorm was rolling in. It was now raining hard soon a loud crack of thunder was heard followed by a flash of lighting.

Jordan was tossing and turning in her sleep, when the thunder clapped that had scared her awake.

"Daddy!" Jordan cried.

Hank awoke to hearing his baby crying, throwing the blankets off him he ran from his room to her room. The toddler was sitting in the middle of her bed holding her stuffed rabbit closely as tears ran down from her eyes like a dam. Her door was opened by a worried and panicked Hank, he saw his little girl sitting on the bed crying he then went over to her picking her up.

"What's wrong baby". Hank says softly.

"I scared".

"Why are you scared?"

"The monsters might get me".

Before Hank could say something a loud crack of thunder was heard followed by a flash of lighting, that had scared the toddler more as she clung tightly to her father. Hank knew between her young imagination and the storm she was scared.

"Sweetheart it's alright, it's just a storm it won't hurt you".

"It's loud. Make it go away".

"I would if I could baby".

Another crack of thunder was heard and Jordan cried as she buried her face into her father's neck. Hank held and rocked her as she clung tightly to him..

"It's alright baby, daddy's here. I won't let anything hurt you".

"Not even the monsters?"

Hank chuckled and kissed her head. "No monster will ever get you wanna know why".

She looked at him, her brown eyes filled with curiosity. "Why".

"Because all the monsters run when they hear me coming, nobody will ever get you or you're brother".

After a few minutes of rocking her, Jordan was slowly falling asleep till she was out. Carefully as he could Hank laid his little girl down on the bed and covered her up, he then laid on the floor next to her bed falling asleep.

By the next night Hank couldn't make it home in time to put Jordan to bed so it was up to Justin to do it.

"Alright Jo Jo, time for bed". Justin tells his sister.

"No". Jordan said.

"How come?"

"Daddy's not here and the monsters might get me, they don't get me when he's here".

"Wanna hear a secret?"


"Daddy actually taught me how to keep monsters away".



He picked her up and carried her to her room, once in the room he checked under the bed and in the closet. He knew it was his sister's young imagination running wild but to make her feel better he'd do it.

Jordan Voight: Childhood YearsWhere stories live. Discover now