Nurse Jordan

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Jordan- 7

One afternoon Jordan was at school she was in the middle of writing when her teacher called her.

"Jo, honey you're being called for early dismissal".


Jordan packed up her stuff and her teacher gave her the rest of her work, when the seven year old was walking down the hall and saw Erin she got really worried. She ran down to her sister with a panicked look on her face.

"Erin what's wrong?" Jordan asked.

"Jo you're dad...he got hurt while on a case". Erin replied.

"Is he ok?"

The seven year old got tears in her eyes worried about her father so Erin got know and wiped away the tears that rolled down her cheeks. "He's gonna be just fine sweetheart you're dad is the most strongest and toughest person I know, it's nothing too serious I promise".

"Can we see him? Please".

"Of course we can let's go".

The two then headed out of the school heading to Erin's car, they strapped themselves in and headed towards the hospital. Erin looked at her sister as she held her head down trying to hold in her tears.

"It's gonna be alright Jordy, he'll be ok. He just messed up his arm that's all". Erin tried to comfort her.

"I thought it was something bad". Jordan whispered.

"It's ok alright I promise".

The rest of the drive was silent and Erin glanced between the road and her sister.

Hank was on a hospital bed getting his arm checked out, he was in the field and ended up getting shot in his left arm. He didn't like explaining any injuries to a seven year old because he didn't want to scare his little girl. The doctor was still stitching him up when the curtain was opened by Erin with Jordan in front of her, the seven year old still had tears in her eyes.

"It's alright Jo". Hank comforted his little girl.

Jordan then went to his side hugging his side, he carefully wrapped his good arm around her pulling her close. The older father felt his shirt getting wet from his daughter's crying, once the doctor was finished Hank lifted his little girl up with his good arm as she buried her face into his neck.

"It's alright Jo, I'm gonna be ok".

The seven year old didn't answer all she did was kept her head buried into her father's neck as he rubbed her back soothingly he then kissed her head laying his cheek on her hair. "It's ok now baby I promise". He whispered in her ear.

They then headed home, Erin decided to drive while Hank sat in the back with his daughter who was still wrapped around him. When they finally got back to Hank's house they three went inside, Erin started on dinner while Hank was with Jordan. He was finally able to unwrap her from his body.

"Jo, honey I'm alright. My arm will heal". Hank said gently.

"I thought it was worse". Jordan finally spoke.

Hank then pulled his little girl closer to him hugging her. "Jo I want you to listen to me ok sweetheart".


"I will get hurt every now and then but just remember I will always come back to you, Justin, and Erin".

"Promise". Jordan looked at her father, her brown eyes were wide filled with a little fear and hope.

"I promise sweetheart".

Erin them emerged from the kitchen with a gentle smile as she looked down at the seven year old. "You know what'll be fun Jordy".

"What". Jordan replied.

"You can help me take care of your dad. You can be Nurse Jordan".



The seven year old then stood up with a smile. "Nurse Jordan at your service".

The two adults chuckled, just then Justin came through the front door. "Pop I just heard, you alright?" His voiced concerned.

"I'm alright Justin beside I got the best nurse to take care of me". Hank replied, giving his little girl a smile.

"First thing is daddy needs his rest so you can lay on the couch". Jordan said.

"Alright Nurse Jordan".

Hank had propped himself up on the couch resting his injured arm on a pillow. Jordan then carefully got next to her father and he used his good arm wrapping it around her, as she snuggled next to him. "Next thing is lots of cuddles". Jordan said.

"No problem sweetheart".

The father and daughter were cuddled up on the couch watching tv while Erin and Justin were in the kitchen quietly talking.

"You know before Jo came I never seen dad so happy before, after mom it killed us all". Justin says.

"I know what you mean". Erin replied.

"Then we got Jo he's been so happy".

"You're happy too. I bet the second you looked at her she had you wrapped around her little finger".

"You're right about that she has us all wrapped around her".

"That might not change".

Once dinner was ready they all ate, they all ate while making small talk. When Jordan was finished she went up to get ready for bed like she always did, the three adults were in the kitchen Hank was going to do the dishes but Erin and Justin stopped him.

"No you don't, you're suppose to be resting Hank". Erin told her surrogate father.

"Yeah pop we got this". Justin says.

"Guys it's just my arm I can still do stuff". Hank tells them.

"Nurse Jordan will say otherwise".

Just then Jordan came down wearing a long sleeve red pajama shirt with the matching pants, she skipped merrily into the kitchen.

"Nurse Jordan the patient here is trying to do the dishes". Erin says playfully.

"Daddy you need to rest your arm that means no doing anything". Jordan playfully scolded her father.

"Alright but it is time for a certain little girl to go to bed though". Hank said.


Jordan then went up to her room when she got settled Hank had entered. "Ready for bed Jo".


He then tucked her in and just as he was about to leave she shot her hand out grabbing his.

"What's wrong Jo". He said, sitting back down.

"Stay with me daddy". Jordan looked at her father with hopeful eyes.

"Alright, I'm not going anywhere sweetheart".

Hank then propped himself on the twin size bed and once he got comfortable Jordan snuggled into his side laying her head on his chest. Listening to her father's heartbeat slowly lulled the seven year old to sleep.

The older father looked down at his sleeping baby girl to see some of her brown hair was covering part of her face he pushed some hair out of her face then kissed her forehead as he fell into a deep sleep.

Jordan Voight: Childhood YearsWhere stories live. Discover now