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Jordan- 9

One mid afternoon Jordan was waiting outside her school for Justin to pick her up, she was wearing her sunglasses and pacing back and forth. Even wearing sunglasses the nine year old still kept her head down because she knew if her brother started asking questions he'd find out about her black eye. She had gotten into a fight not too long ago, her left eye was a deep red color and her side was hurting a little after being shoved onto the concrete ground, Jordan knew she sucked at lying no matter how hard she try she couldn't lie, Justin, her father, Erin would see right through it.

The nine year old saw her older brother coming now all she had to do was hide the pain in her side and keep her head down then she was home free. Justin noticed something wrong with his sister insistently.

"Hey Jo Jo, ready to go". Justin says to his sister.

"Yup all set". Jordan replied quickly, keeping her head down.

"You ok?" His voice got worried and concerned.

"I'm fine Justin".

Jordan walked ahead of her brother and the whole time Justin didn't believe his sister, he knew something was wrong and he was determined to find out. As the siblings walked home Justin glanced down at his sister trying to figure out what was wrong he then stopped which got her attention.

"Why'd we stop?"

Without saying anything Justin took his sister's sunglasses off Jordan then brought her head down but her brother gently took two of his fingers to her chin lifting her head up. As soon as he seen her left eye was dark red he got pissed.

"Jordan what happened to your eye". His voice rose a little.

"Ran into a door?" She put on a nervous smile hoping her brother would believe her.

"Try again".

Sighing the nine year old gave up it was always pointless to lie to anybody in her family. "I got into a fight at school ok".

"What happened kiddo".

"This kid was making fun of me because I don't have a mom all I have is dad, you, Erin and the others. He said that my mom left because she couldn't stand being around me but that's not true she died a hero protecting us. Protecting this city".

"Jo Jo don't listen to those kids alright they're jerks they don't know anything, all they do is say stuff to bring you down".

"I told him it's not true but he kept saying it was so I pushed him, he pushed me back a little too hard and I fell into the sidewalk I still got back up and hit him and he hit me back".

"Jo fighting doesn't solve anything it just creates more problems".

"But you and dad do it how come I can't?"

Justin knew his sister had a valid point but he continued. "The reason dad and I do it is to protect you"

"I was protecting my mom".

"Next time be the bigger person walk away".

"What if someone says something about my mom, or you and dad? You expect me to sit by and do nothing?"

"There's a saying dad taught me now I'm gonna teach it to you".

"What saying?"

"Sticks and stone may break my bones but words will never hurt me".

"What does that mean?"

"What it means is you might be hurt able to hurt me by physical force but not by insults. People can hurt you all the time by physical force like fighting but they can never hurt you by what they say".

"He made it seem like my mom never loved me or cared about me".

"And that's not true Jo Jo, you're mom loved you more than anything. She loved all of us. I'm not her son and she still treated me as her own".

A tear ended up sliding down the nine year old's cheek and Justin wiped it away with his thumb. "Never forget that Jo".

"Thank you Justie". She used his old nickname.

"Anytime squirt".

"I love you Justin". Jordan then flung her arms around her brother.

"I love you too Jo Jo". Justin wrapped his arms around his younger sister.

After the moment was over Justin spoke again. "Alright let's go".

"I hope you mean home".

"Were going to see dad so you can tell him what happened".

"No! Justin have you completely lost your mind? If dad finds outs he'll flip do you want that to happen? I don't".

"Jo you should know by now dad finds out everything".

"He can't find this out".

Jordan pulled her famous puppy dog eyes and pout, nobody not even their own father can resist. This was one look that could make anybody do whatever Jordan wanted, Justin tried to look away from it but Jordan just went around and enlarged her eyes a little more then stuck her lip out a little. The elder Voight couldn't take it till he finally caved.

"Alright dad won't find out from me but he'll hear it from either you or the school it wouldn't surprise me if they called him already".

"I hope they didn't".

"So how are we supposed to hide it from dad?"

"Just leave that part to me".

Justin knew his sister was sneaky like himself and he never doubted her about that, the two siblings then began to walk home when something popped into Jordan's head.

"Hey Justin".

"What's up kiddo".

"Would you show me how to fight? All I know is a little I wanna be able to defend myself in a fight next time".

"You want me to show you how to fight and when you get caught next time which you will, I'll get in trouble for showing you".

"Please Justin please. I won't say it was you who showed me".

"I'll show you but under a couple of conditions. One, you are to only fight for self defense that's it. If you use it for anything else than self defense the lessons stop. Second, if you get caught I deny all involvement. Deal".

"Deal. You're the best brother ever".

"I've been told. So this kid who beat you up want me to have a word with him?"

"No I think I got my message across very well".

"Next time someone messes with you tell me, nobody picks on my little sister except me".

"And nobody messes with my big brother but me".

Justin threw his arm around his sister pulling her close to his side, he'd be there to protect her for as long as he can. He cherished his sister dearly, after his mother had passed away he was in darkness for a while his father and Erin tried to help him but he didn't wanna be helped. When he found out Anna was pregnant with Jordan he changed completely, as soon as their father put Jordan into his arms when she was a baby the darkness that surrounded him vanished. His sister was the light that made the darkness disappear. She brought him happiness when he was down. Justin would protect his sister with the last breath in his body.


A/N: A few notes. First this will have a second part. Second, the second half of Jordan Voight should be up either later tomorrow afternoon or later this week. Finally if you have an idea or request for Jordan's Childhood Years feel free to PM me and I'll get it done as soon as possible. 

Jordan Voight: Childhood YearsWhere stories live. Discover now