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*Requested from FanFiction*

Jordan- 12

One morning Jordan awoke when a sharp cramp shot in her stomach, the pain lasted a good few minutes before it went away. She got ready for school and the whole time she had cramps in her stomach which was starting to get her irritated, the past few days she woke up in a bad mood and she didn't know why. Once she was ready for school she went down to eat breakfast, her father and brother were finished getting ready for work.

The preteen was angry and didn't know why, she sat down and poured some cereal.

"Morning Jo". Hank greeted his daughter.

"Morning Jo Jo". Justin greets his sister.

"Morning". Jordan mumbled.

"Everything ok Jo?" Hank's voice was full of concern.

"I'm fine, just a headache".

"You sure you're ok Jo?" Justin tried.

"I said I'm fine!"

"Jordan Lynn, watch your attitude". Hank warned his daughter.

"Sorry. I'm off to school".

She hopped down from the chair and grabbed her backpack and lunchbox, the preteen kissed her father and brother's cheek and they kissed her head. The father and son watched in confusion as she left.

"What was that about?" Justin asked.

"I don't know son". Hank answered.

Jordan walked to school and the whole time she was getting more cramps in her lower abdomen when the pain was getting worse it caused her to get more moody. The school day went on, by the time gym came around and the preteen changed into her gym uniform the pain was getting worse so she kicked a locker to release some of the frustration. After gym she changed into her school clothes and went about her day. The time now was 2 in the afternoon, Justin went to pick up his sister like he normally did. Jordan walked out of the school her head held down and an angry expression on her face when Justin seen his sister's face he got concerned.

"Jo everything ok?" Justin asked, concerned.

"I'm fine". Jordan answered.

"Bad day?"

"Same stuff different day".

During the walk home Justin didn't know what was wrong with his sister, was someone picking on her? Did she get into another fight? He wanted to get to the bottom of it.

"Jo what's wrong?"

"I don't wanna talk about it".

"I'm sure if you talk about it you'll feel better".

"Justin I said I don't wanna talk about it!"

"Alright sorry".

Once they got back to their house Jordan went straight to her room and slammed the door, Justin heard the door slam and was highly curious about what was going on with his sister.

Hank had arrived back home after a long day of work, he saw Justin was doing dinner dishes and his daughter nowhere in sight.

"Hey where's Jo?" Hank asked.

"She's been up in her room since she got home from school". Justin answered.

"I'll go check on her".

He then walked up the stairs and went to Jordan's room, the preteen was laying on her bed with her knees pulled to her chest. Hank knocked on her door.

Jordan Voight: Childhood YearsWhere stories live. Discover now