James Returns

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*Picks up from Break In and Scared*

Jordan- 8

It's been a few months since everything went down with James and the break in, during that time Hank, Erin, and Justin made sure to keep a sharp eye out for the eight year old. Surprisingly James and Mark listened to Hank's warning about staying away.

One afternoon Justin was on his way to pick up his sister from school, he no longer blamed himself for what happened. He was glad that his sister was finally able to move on from the whole situation as he was walking someone had called him from down the street.

"Yo Justin!" The voice called.

He figured it was just another one of his friends but when he turned around to see James standing there, a cigarette in his mouth smirking. The elder Voight was furious he stormed over to his ex friend forcefully picked him by his shirt and threw him against the brick wall, he held James up by his shirt getting nose to nose with him.

"What in the hell are you doing here James?" Justin spat.

"I was hoping I could change you're mind about helping me finish a couple jobs". James replied.

"There's no way in hell I'm helping you with anything. Why'd you go after my sister James? Huh? She's a little kid who had nothing to do with anything".

"Why". James then let out a chuckle. "You wanna know why fine then I'll tell you, I went at the little brat because I knew you'd do anything for her just like any older brother would for their younger siblings. Even after I promised to leave her alone you still backed down because you're a little wuss and you were afraid you're sister would get hurt so I figured you could use a little...persuasion. I'm not an idiot Justin I do my homework just like everybody else how else do I know that you're on you're way to get little Jordan from school now then you'll either take her to the park or get ice cream like you always do".

"Look James if you do anything to my sister I swear to god I'll end you myself".

"You sound so much like you're father".

That caused Justin to punch James across the face. "Stay the hell away from me and my sister".

"Or what you're gonna tell your father on me?"

"Come near me or Jordan again and nobody in this city will be able to help you".

Justin then punched James a couple more times before dropping him. "Stay the hell away from my sister".

He then stormed away from his former friend, James rubbed his sore jaw and spit some blood out of his mouth still smirking. "You wanna play Justin, let's play". He said to himself.

As Justin was walking away he was trying to calm himself down so his sister wouldn't see, he then looked down at his bruised knuckles. He didn't know if he should tell his father that James is back he knew he should but he didn't want his father to do something he may or may not regret later, one thing the elder Voight knew for sure he was gonna gonna do whatever it took to keep his baby sister safe from this bastard. After a few more minutes he arrived to his sister's school and his mood completely changed, Justin shoved both his hands into his pocket so Jordan wouldn't see his bruised knuckles.

School was letting out for the day, kids ran out from the building going to their parents. Jordan got out of the school and saw her brother, smiling she ran over to him her backpack swinging back and forth rapidly.

"Justin!" Jordan called out excitedly.

She crashed into her brother wrapping her arms around his torso, Justin smiled and wrapped his arms around her once he broke the hug he quickly shoved his hands back into his pocket.

Jordan Voight: Childhood YearsWhere stories live. Discover now