Blackmail Pt 3

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Jordan- 9

Denny has visited Jordan everyday trying to get information. The nine year old kept saying the same thing, Woods didn't believe her he thought she was lying to protect her father.

Jordan couldn't keep lying but she knew that everyone was getting suspicious. She didn't know how much longer she could keep it up. She needed to tell someone but who? If she told the wrong person it'll get back to Hank and it won't end well.

Hank got called in one day so he dropped her off with Alvin and his family. Jordan thought if she asked him she would know what to do. The father and daughter arrived to Alvin's house. The young girl loved her surrogate uncle and his family.

The older father chuckled when his daughter ran to the door excitedly, he was right behind her the whole time. The nine year old rang the doorbell and a moment later it was opened by Alvin and Meredith.

"Uncle Alvin! Aunt Meredith!" Jordan says excitedly.

The adults chuckled, Hank looked to his friends. "Thanks for keeping an eye on her".

"Anytime Hank". Meredith says.

"No problem man". Alvin said.

Hank bent down to his little girl's level giving her a gentle look. "Alright sweetheart I want you to be good and behave alright".

"Ok daddy". Jordan replied.

"That's my girl".

He kissed her head and she kissed his cheek, the older father then left his little princess with his friends. Once her father had left she knew this could be her chance.

Meredith headed inside to start lunch, Alvin headed out to the garage. Hank had told him that someone was doing something to Jordan and made sure she stayed quiet. He hoped Alvin could get more out of her. Jordan headed out there she kept looking around thinking Denny would pop out going to the door she knocked on it.

Alvin opened it to see his young goddaughter. "Hey sweetie what's up".

"I had a question and was hoping you could help me".

"Sure honey".

"I have...this friend and she has to do something that she doesn't want to and if she tells she'll get in trouble. What can she do?"

The older man knew that his goddaughter was talking about herself, she was still scared to say what it was.

"What does you're friend have to do?"

"She has to spy on somebody for a friend but she doesn't want to and if she says something she'll get in a lot of trouble".

"What you're friend can do is go to an adult that she trust and tell them. She can go to her parents, another friend, anyone she can trust".

The nine year old let what her uncle had told her to sink in. "Thank Uncle Alvin".

"No problem honey. Can I ask you something?"


"Why didn't you're friend go to her parents about this?"

"She didn't know what would have happened if she told, she still doesn't know".

Alvin was starting to fume, who was blackmailing his goddaughter? Who'd they want her to spy on? Why did they specifically want her to do it? He knew when Hank would come to get her there wasn't much to tell him.

The rest of the day went by smoothly, Alvin would glance at his goddaughter every now and then to see if she had changed. Jordan was calm and cool, she knew she'd be safe with two of her godparents, they'd never let anything happen to her. Denny would never come around when she was with other people especially if it was someone Hank knew or if it was with Hank in general.

Jordan Voight: Childhood YearsWhere stories live. Discover now