First Steps and Words

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Jordan- 9 months old

Jordan was now 9 months old, she had a few baby teeth coming in. One afternoon Hank had the day off so he decided to spend it with Jordan he was playing on the floor with him. The infant then decided to stand on her small chubby legs she had wanted to try and walk for sometime now but was never able to do it she was determined to do it now. She was lifting herself with help from the coffee table as she stood on her legs.

"Come on Jo come to daddy you can do it, walk to me sweetheart you can do it". Hank encouraged his daughter.

The baby gave a smile and slowly put one foot out then her other, she slowly took her time going to her father. Once she had her balance she then took a few more steps going towards her daddy.

"That's it Jo you got it sweetheart you can do it".

She took a few more steps until she fell into her father laughing, squealing, and smiling proudly.

"I'm so proud of you Jo, you walked here by yourself".

The young infant then tried to say something. "D-d".

"What is it Jo".

"D-dada. Dada".

Hank broke out into a proud smile at hearing his daughter's first word. "Say it again Jo".


"I'm so proud of you Jo you took your first steps and you said you're first word".

Hank was proud that he was able to have these moments again he just wished Anna could be with him to see the first moments in Jordan's life.

Jordan Voight: Childhood YearsWhere stories live. Discover now