Josh's Visit

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Jordan- 8

Jordan was in the living room watching tv just as her older brother, Justin got up from his seat on the couch.

"So Jo what do you want for lunch today?" Justin asked his sister.

"Grilled cheese please".

"Grilled cheese it is kiddo".

He ruffled her hair then went into the kitchen, she went back to her coloring book after a few minutes there was a knock on the door.

"Justin! There's someone at the door". Jordan called to her brother.

The elder man walked from the kitchen to the front door, he looked out the window to see Josh holding a small gift bag. He sighed knowing he never got along with the man, he also knew that Josh only came around when their father wasn't. He then opened the door.

"Hello Josh". Justin said, his voice held no emotion.

"Justin where's your father?" Josh replied.

"At work, what are you doing here?"

"I can't see my niece?"

"Not when our father isn't here you can't, Josh you know the rules with him you can see Jo when he's around".

"Do you honestly think I care about your father's stupid rules? I see my niece when I want to see her not when your father says I can!"

When Josh raised his voice it caught the eight year old's attention which pissed Justin off.

"Hey you do not come in here and yell, you especially do not yell around Jordan".

"Relax I won't be long after I see her I'm leaving Chicago for a bit".

"You do one thing to hurt her you ain't walking out of here fully intact".

"Just like your father".

Justin growled just as Josh went in to see his young niece, the elder Voight sibling stood in the doorway of the kitchen to keep an eye on both his sister and Josh. Josh turned around and glared over at Justin.

"Do you mind?"

"Actually yeah I do mind". Justin then looked at his young sister. "Jo I'll be in the kitchen kiddo".

"Ok". She said.

"Josh I'll be listening".

Once Justin was back in the kitchen Josh pulled out the small gift bag and pulled a stuffed cheetah.

"I got this for you, I know how much you like cheetahs so I got this for you". Josh says to his niece, handing her the toy.

"Thank you".

Josh's voice got serious but kept it a little gentle. "One day when you're old enough I'll take you away from all this".

"Even from my daddy?" Her voice began to get shaky.

"Yeah I'm gonna take you as far away from here and we'll live somewhere very nice maybe California, Florida, somewhere away from Chicago".

"But I don't wanna go".

"Don't worry we're not leaving now but once you're old enough we'll go somewhere just the two of us".

"No I don't want too, I wanna stay here with Justin, Erin and my daddy".

"I gotta go now but you don't tell anyone what I told you understand me".

Jordan nodded just as Josh got up from the seat, "I mean it Jo you don't tell anybody or else".

Jordan Voight: Childhood YearsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz