Family Portrait

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Jordan- 5

One afternoon Hank had decided to have a family picture taken with him, Justin, Jordan, and Erin. Right now he was putting on his blue button down dress shirt he tucked the shirt into his dark colored slacks. Justin had entered his father's room wearing a black button down dress shirt with black slacks.

"Hey Justin what's up". Hank says.

"Dad do we have to do this family picture?" Justin asked.

"Yes Justin, I think it'll be a nice family thing".

"It's just we haven't done anything like this since....since mom died".

Hank sighed knowing his son was right, when his wife Camille was alive they had done a family picture every year till she had died. They had stopped doing everything after that, the family pictures, the dinners all of it.

"I know but now that we got Jo I figured we can try and start doing everything again".

Justin knew his father had a point he wanted his sister to have a childhood like he did the only difference is she wouldn't have her mother around.

Erin was with Jordan who was now 5, the young girl was dressed in a little red dress, wearing a pair of bright white tights and little black dress shoes. She was sitting down while Erin was brushing her long brown shoulder length hair.

"How do you want your hair Jordy". Erin asked, as she continued to brush the girl's hair.

"Can I have two braids please". Jordan replied.

"You most certainly can".

She then separated the hair evenly then started to braid one side then moved to the other, the young girl's hair was finished.

"All done Jo".

The young girl then went to the bathroom mirror and stood on the stool looking at herself.

"Thank you Erin". Jordan then hugged her sister.

"You are most welcome".

Erin then fixed her red dress that matched Jordan's, the young girl had always wanted wear matching clothes with her sister. Once the two girls were dressed Hank and Justin had come down.

"Daddy, Justin don't I look pretty". Jordan says, as she twirls around in her dress.

Hank looked at his little girl and she looked beautiful, she looks just like her mother Anna. The chubby cheeks, dimples, smile, nose, it was like looking at a younger version of Anna.

"You look very beautiful sweetheart". Hank tells his youngest with a smile.

"You're so pretty Jo Jo". Justin says, sweeping her up tickling her.

They then headed out and had their picture taken. Hank had Jordan in front of him, Erin was on his left and Justin on his right. Once the pictures were printed they looked at them and all Hank could think, 'I wouldn't want it any other way'.

Jordan Voight: Childhood YearsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora