Blackmail Pt 4

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*This is the last chapter for the Blackmail series*

Jordan- 10

Everyday for almost a year Denny had seen Jordan trying to get information about Hank but he kept getting the same response. It was also getting harder to get around her because Hank was making sure his daughter was never by herself in public or at home. The only time Denny could ever get to the now ten year old was when she was at school.

He also knew it was becoming more dangerous for him to be seen with Jordan in public, if the wrong person had seen him around the young girl and word got back to Hank it wouldn't end well for Denny at all.

One afternoon Denny was at Jordan's school again, he knew that Hank would be picking her up so he only had a few minutes to say what needs to be said then leave before he gets caught. School had let out for the day, kids were running to their bus, their parents or walked home. When Jordan came out she knew her father was picking her up and if he was late then that meant a visit from Denny, she hated this and wished it would stop already. As soon as the ten year old had seen him she sighed ready to get this over with.

"Look I told you everything I know and I know, if I lied or told you'll have me taken. I haven't lied or said anything". Jordan spoke.

"Calm down kid, it looks like you're gonna get your wish after all". Denny replied.

"You're gonna stop coming around?" Her voice filled with hope.

"Yes, it's getting to be too dangerous for me to be around you. I can't have it getting back to your father".

"My dad doesn't do anything so why do you care?"

"Just curious that's all".

"Again why do you care about what my dad does?"

"Just make sure you don't tell anybody about this visits, I may not be coming around anymore but that doesn't mean I won't have you taken".

"My lips are sealed. Being I had to do this for you, let me ask you this. What did my dad do that was so important you wanted information on him?"

Denny chuckled dryly. "Oh Jordan, little naive Jordan. If only you knew the truth about you're dear old father".

"What does that mean?"

"Sweetheart there are so many things I could tell you about him but I'm not going to".

That had confused Jordan, was Denny hiding something from her about her father? Why was Denny so interested? Before the ten year old could speak Denny went on.

"Just because I'm not coming around anymore, doesn't mean I'm not watching you. So if you get an idea of telling just know I'm watching".

"I understand".

The older man left before he could get caught, for the first time in almost a year Jordan was actually happy. Relieved. She no longer had to deal with Denny. When Hank arrived he seen his little girl in a much better mood, the ten year old had seen her father and ran to him.

"There's my girl". Hank said, hugging his daughter.

"Hi dad". Jordan replied.

"How was school?"

"It was good".

"Are you alright?"

"I am". Then she mumbled under her breath. "Now".

"Let's head home".

The father and daughter headed home for the day, as Hank drove home he'd glance at his daughter. Whatever was bothering her must have stopped but what was it? Who was blackmailing her? He didn't know but and if the situation stopped he could try and let it go he was still determined to find out who it was.

Jordan looked out the window as the scenery passed by her quickly, a smile was on her face. Denny was gonna stop coming around once and for all. No more visits. No secrets. No more lying. She could finally go back to being a normal kid. But one thing was on her mind, was this gonna be the last time she was gonna see or hear from Denny Woods again? She didn't know but only time would tell.  

Jordan Voight: Childhood YearsWhere stories live. Discover now