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Jordan- 4 and a half

Erin was on her way to pick up Jordan from preschool, she offered since Hank had just got a case and Justin was at work himself. As she was driving she saw the sky was darkening with clouds and a couple minutes after that rain had begun to fall from the sky. After a few more minutes of driving Erin had arrived at the preschool she quickly went inside as the rain began to come down harder.

Once she was inside she quickly shook off some of the rain and one of the teachers had noticed her.

"Hello Erin, here to pick up Jordan today?" The lady asked.

"Sure am Liz, Hank just got a case and Justin's at work so here I am". Erin replied.

"Jordan is such a sweet girl, she's very social with the other children, she always finishes her work but she does have trouble falling asleep during nap time".

"She has that same problem at home".

Jordan had heard her sister in the class and ran right over to her.

"Erin!" Jordan calls out happily.

"Hey Jordy you ready to go". Erin replies.


While the young girl retrieves her backpack from the cubby Erin was getting a quick update from the teacher and once that was finished Jordan took a hold of her sister's hand leaving out of the daycare.

Erin got the young toddler strapped in her booster seat and quickly got it the driver seat, she noticed the sky had gotten a lot darker because of the oncoming storm. She hoped Jordan would be alright because the toddler was terrified of thunderstorms. Once the car got started Erin began driving to her apartment.

"So Jordy how was your day". Erin says from the front.

"It was so much fun, we got to paint, we played games, sang ABCs, read books. Ms. Liz said we might go on a field trip to the zoo one day". Jordan replies.

"The zoo sounds like a lot of fun, what's you favorite animal?"

"The lion because they are big and strong like daddy".

"Yes they are".

All of a sudden there was a loud clap of thunder and it had scared Jordan causing her to shriek and whimper.

"It's alright Jordy, it's just a storm" Erin tried to comfort her sister.

"That was loud". She replied, with a pout.

"When I was little I was afraid of storms too".

"You were?"

"Yup, the thunder really scared me so I just pretended that it was something else".

"Like what".

"Sometimes I would think it's bowling, other times I would think it's like a explosion from movies".

Another clap of thunder hit scaring the toddler again and it broke Erin's heart to see her sister scared.

"I want daddy". Jordan whimpered.

"He's at work Jordy he'll see you later".

"I want daddy!"

When Erin looked in the rear view mirror and saw tears pooling in her sister's eyes she couldn't take it so once at a red light she pulled her cellphone out and dialed Hank's number and handed it back to Jordan who took it gratefully.

-Hey Erin what's up. Hank answered.

-Hi daddy. Jordan replied in a low voice.

-Jo? What's wrong sweetheart? Where's Erin?

Jordan Voight: Childhood YearsWhere stories live. Discover now