Blackmail Pt 2

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Jordan- 9

Jordan had just turned nine. Everyday when her father or brother weren't around she'd expect a visit from Denny Woods.

For a few weeks now he'd go to the young girl hoping to get information out of her about Hank. Right before he left he'd always made sure to remind her what would happen if she told.

The nine year old wanted to desperately tell someone, anyone, but she couldn't not without dealing with Denny's consequences. After all his visits she'd be upset and scared, everyone around her began to get curious. Why was she acting like this? Was someone threatening her? Did someone say something to her?

They didn't know what was going on but they were gonna damn sure find out. When Justin seen his sister he knew something was up with her.

One afternoon Jordan was waiting to be picked up from school, as she waited she wished Denny would hurry up and show then leave. She couldn't let anybody find out especially her father because if he found out Hank would unleash hell. A moment later Denny had arrived to the school, when the nine year old had seen him she sadly sighed waiting to get it over with.

"Hello Jordan". Denny said.

"My dad doesn't do anything, he doesn't go anywhere. He doesn't act any different". Jordan spoke.

"He ever bring any money home that you haven't seen?"


"Jordan don't forget what'll happen if I find out you're lying or if you told anyone".

"I understand".

Denny then left before he could get caught. After he left a couple of tears ran down Jordan's face, what was she gonna do? She was spying on her own father for this guy and if she lied or told she'd be taken from her family for good. If she could she'd go straight to her brother or her father, the young girl was scared to say anything because she knew what would happen if she said.

Justin was on his way to pick his sister up from school, when he got close by and seen his sister upset. He was slowly starting to get annoyed with this, why was his sister always upset? Was someone bothering her? He went over to her and got down on one knee and gave her a gentle look.

"Jo Jo what's wrong? Did someone hurt you?" Justin asked.

"No". Jordan said.

"What's wrong?"

"I can't tell you".

"Jo Jo, I'm your big brother you can tell me anything".

"Not this I can't".

"Is someone hurting you?"

"I promised not to tell".

"Who'd you promise?"

"Justie please don't make me say".

Jordan was never one to beg or plead so for Justin to hear it, he knew something was up and someone was doing something to his sister. The elder Voight was gonna put a stop to it and if it comes down to it he will go to their father. Nobody was gonna mess with his little sister and get away with it.

"Let's head home kiddo".

"Is dad home?"

"Yeah he is".

The two siblings began the walk home, Jordan held on tightly to her brother's hand as if he was gonna disappear. Justin glanced down at his baby sister and wondered what was going on with her. Was someone saying something to her? Were they threatening her? He didn't know and he was gonna find out one way or another.

Jordan Voight: Childhood YearsWhere stories live. Discover now