New Danger Pt 1

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Jordan- 12

Ever since Hank had started running Intelligence that had come with new threats, new dangers, and new criminals. Criminals that had been far more dangerous. Currently the team has been hunting a serial killer.

He'd been killing men, women, young adults, the crime scenes had been brutal. Enough to turn anyone's stomach. If that hadn't been bad enough he was taunting all of Intelligence, Hank had been taking it personally. The sick bastard had been killing innocent people for the sick thrill, he'd been joking about it and playing games with them. Hank Voight does not play games.

Since this sick bastard had been on the loose Hank had made sure to take all the proper precautions with his daughter. He had even taught his daughter a secret phrase only the two of them know. He had been in his office deep in thought.


Hank had been working on something at home, he'd been looking over a case file and making notes when suddenly he heard what sounded like giggling. He knew that sweet laughter anywhere. He turned to the chest that was at the end of his bed and opened it. Jordan had popped out laughing and giggling.

Hank couldn't help but chuckle and lift her out, setting her on his lap. "What are you doing sweetheart?"

"I'm helping solve the case daddy, I'm gonna be you"

The older father couldn't help but smile. "Yes you will be sweetheart"

*Back to reality*

Hank had been so far in his thoughts he hadn't heard his daughter calling him, it was as if he was in a trance and didn't know. He had began coming from it when he felt someone shaking him, he had snapped out of it and saw his little girl in front of him worried.

"Daddy, are you ok?" Jordan's voice held worry and concern.

He took her hand in his and held it, silently thanking she was there with him safe and away from any and all dangers. He was able to protect her.

"Yeah, I'm just fine sweetheart" He gave her a soft reassuring smile.

"Bad case?"

"Something like that"

Jordan had hugged her father, she knew how certain cases could mess with and affect him, the older man hugged his little girl and was just glad she was there and under protection.

"I know you'll get him dad. You always do"

"You bet we will sweetheart, I promise we will" He pulled her back and just looked at her. God. She looked so much like her mother it sent pain through Hank. "Jo, until we catch this guy. I'm going to have you stay here in the District. I don't wanna take any chances"

"But dad"

"No buts, Jordan" His voice held a warning tone to it.


"Hey, it won't be forever. Just a little while" He softened his voice.

"I'm scared"

"You don't have to be scared, baby. I'll never let anyone hurt you. I won't let anyone hurt you or your brother"

Jordan had hugged her father tightly, Hank held her just as tight. He sent her to do her homework and went downstairs to see Trudy. Trudy was just finishing up with a new officer. It was a tall white man, he was bald. His eyes were a hazel like color. He had some scars that were hidden by the uniform shirt and pants. He had a scar across his cheek.

Hank saw it and went over as they finished up, Trudy saw her friend.

"Hank what can I do for you?" Trudy asked her friend.

"I was hoping I can borrow an officer as a detail for Jordan during this case" Hank replied.

"I have just the guy, Hank, this is officer Tyler James. He's got a good background. One of his specialities was bodyguarding"

Hank looked at the new rookie officer, he seemed good. If Trudy could trust him and gave a good background on him, he could try and do so as well.

"Are you good with children, Officer?" Hank asked.

"Yes sir, I have two of my own" Tyler answered with a nod.

"Follow me"

Hank took him upstairs and walked with him through the squad, when Tyler saw the white board full of pictures of the victims. He wanted to smirk but he couldn't. Not without giving himself away. The older Sergeant opened the door to the lounge.

Jordan looked up from her books with a slight smile. "Hey dad"

"Hey sweetheart, I have someone I want you to meet" Hank started. He let Tyler in. "Jo, this is Officer Tyler James, I'm gonna have him watch you while I work. Alright sweetheart?"

Jordan nodded. "I understand"

"You know the rules don't you?"

"Yes dad"

"That's my girl" He looked back at Tyler. "Tyler, this is my daughter Jordan. Make sure you keep your eyes on her"

When Tyler saw the preteen, his eyes were wide. She was one of the most beautiful people he'd ever seen.

"I understand sir"

"You start now, is that alright?"

"That's perfect sir"

"Just Hank is fine"

"Of course Hank"

Hank had left the room leaving them alone, Tyler had smiled at her. This was going to be fun.

"Whatcha working on Jordan?" Tyler asked.

"You can call me Jo. And I'm working on a science report"

"Need any help?"

"I'm good. Thanks though"

He sat down next to her with the same smile on his face. "I think we'll be good friends Jo"


This will be a small series. I might cross it with Criminal Minds. Read and enjoy!

Jordan Voight: Childhood YearsWhere stories live. Discover now