sesenta y uno

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"I can't believe you asked the question I was about to ask just a minute ago.",he smiled big at me.
My eyes furrowed in confusion as he laughed.
"I would love to be your boyfriend Gravity!I'm happy that you feel the same way.I honestly like you a lot and I want it to work out with you, you mean a lot to me and I need to do this.",he said, his arms finding my waist and pulling me towards him taking me by surprise.

He kissed me like he never did before, he kissed me with so much passion and adoration,with so much desire and lust but also so gently and lovely as if it was our first kiss and not our third one.

It was actually our third one oh my god.

I deepened the kiss, both of us were smiling, after a while we broke the kiss due the lack of air.

We were smiling crazily at each other, I turned my head towards the beautiful view.Suddenly a firework erupted in the air causing me let out a shocked scream.
Harvey laughed loudly pulling me closer to him.We started to cuddle and after a few minutes of the beautiful firework we were off to the ground again.

"I'll never forget this ride.",I giggled as he held out a hand to help me get out of the box.

"Thank you Mister.",my smile never left.

"You are welcome princess.I hope you enjoyed today as much as I did my beautiful girlfriend.",we couldn't stop smiling, it was as if there was a magic spell that kept us happy.

A love spell.

Okay that was too much, I realized it a little too late though.


"Thank you for taking me home, I hope we can do this again sometime.",I winked pulling him towards me and pecking his lips.

"I might need another kiss for that though.",he smirked happily, his hands holding my waist firmly.

"I'm not sure about that I really gotta go.My mom is probably worried-",I babbled but he kissed me anyways.
I smiled through the kiss, his lips were soft.

He's unbelievable.

"Goodnight boyfriend.",I hugged him tightly.

"Goodnight girlfriend.",he replied pulling my hair out of my face.


"So who's the lucky boy?",my mom asked me after I laid down in my bed, finally make up and bra- free.

It was a wonderful feeling.

"Huh?",I asked not realizing I was still smiling widely at nothing in particular.

"Who is the lucky boy that stole your heart?You seem awfully happy and I might have peeked through the window when I heard a car parking.",she grinned sitting next to me on my bed.

"Mom!",I laughed.

"What?You never tell me anything?!",she exclaimed.

"That's not true and you know it!",I told her.

"What's his name?",she asked curiously.
"Harvey.He's the friend of mine, the one I had problems with but talked it through and then we were good again and now we're well uh....together.",I spoke the last word quietly so she couldn't hear me but mothers have an amazing sense of hearing when they need it.

"No way!Oh my god honey I'm so happy for you!You need to tell me everything!He needs to visit us I want to meet him!",she started ranting causing me to roll my eyes without her seeing it actually.

"Mom calm down!",I chuckled.
"You'll meet him when I feel comfortable to introduce him to you.You know that I need time.I just want to take it slow, I don't want to rush anything.",I told her honestly as she nodded her head smiling widely.

"Oh my god honey I love you and I'm so happy for you.You deserve happiness and love every single day I hope you know that and we're always here for you-",she babbled again looking worried remembering my past.

"Mom I'm fine, I promise.I've never felt so alive before.I'm really thankful and happy that we moved, it made everything so much better!",I hugged her sighing lightly.

"Of course honey.I just want you to know that if we knew we would've helped you earlier.",she said sadly as I nodded hugging her tighter.

"I know mom.I love you and dad so much but at that time I didn't want to make worried and I was fragile.Now I am so much better and more confident, I promise I will never let someone like that push me around.",I spoke firmly as she nodded happily.

"I'm so proud of you my little one."
"Mom I'm not little anymore.I mean I literally now even have a boyfriend.",I laughed as the word 'boyfriend' left my mouth.

I still had to get used to it but it was totally worth it!


[a/n: please vote it helps a lot💛🌻]

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