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He looked whip splashed, his smile turned into a big grin.He slowly walked up to me, his grin never leaving while my heart beat was beating uncontrollably and my eyes were looking anywhere but at him.I was nervous and I hated it.
He's making me vulnerable and that's the last thing I want to be.

"Hey princess.",Harvey smiled going for a hug.
I wasn't disgusted or anything but I was weirded out.
It was the first time he went for a hug and he never really did that.
He hugged me around my waist while my arms wrapped around his torso, my head on his sweaty chest.His heart beat was fast but I wasn't sure if it was because of me or him playing basketball a few minutes ago.

"Hey Harvey.",I mumbled into his chest, his scent calming me instantly.

"I'm happy you came.",he looked genuine as I smiled.

"Me too!", I replied excitedly making him chuckle.

"Hey guys!",I waved at the boys and hugged each one quickly.

"Ew Jamie you smell!",I told him playfully disgusted.

"You smell every single day and I don't open my damn mouth to tell you that, woman!Now would you please shut the fuck up I want to play the most important game in my life.",he said dramatically.

"Did you just hear that?",I asked Colbain who was looking shocked by what Jamie just said.
He nodded.

"Alright game on bitch!",I yelled and took the basketball out of Jamie's hand."I pass!",Seth yelled sitting down on the bench drinking out of his bottle.

"Alright Gravity I'm in your team.",Harvey told me.
"No!",Jamie yelled.
"That is not fair you're the best out of us all.She wants to beat me?Then you'll have to play in my team Harvey.Colbain is in Gravity's team.No buts, you think you can beat me then you can beat me with Colbain in your team!",Jamie yelled already full on in the game as I was giggling under my breath trying my hardest not to laugh loudly.

"Bro she'll have no chance.",Harvey answered.
"Game on!",I shook Jamie's hand, putting my hair in a ponytail.
"Alright Colbain, do your best and block Jamie as many times as you can alright?",he nodded taking his shirt off.


Why do they all look so good?

I was staring at his body while he smirked.
"What?I'm not used to boys taking off their shirts in my presence.",I shrugged as he laughed.

In the corner of my eye I could see Harvey glaring at Colbain, almost looking a little jealous.

I shrugged it off, concentrating on the game and the goal to win against the losers in front of me.

I know that I'm not the best basketball player but back when I was little my dad would show me how to play.We went to lots of games and I hope that I still have some tricks up my sleeve.My plan B would be acting, acting like an innocent little girl is always good.

He didn't say anything about playing fair, did he?

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