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"Hey pretty lady!",Seth put his right arm around me, grinning at me widely.

"I see you haven't changed the nickname?",I arched an eyebrow at him as he shrugged.
We were walking to school until Seth stoppend and crossed his arms.
"What?",I asked him confused.

"So what happened at the party?",he asked, he knew but he wanted to hear the entire story from me.
I rolled my eyes putting a strand of hair back.
"Well you know lots of things happened.",I stretched it out.
He stared at me intensely until I couldn't hold it anymore.

"So I teased Harvey you know and then I hid in the bathroom for a while and when I came back, a guy started to touch me and Harvey got aggressive.He punched him and we walked out where we had a fight and then he drove me home and me being the clumsy one I forgot my keys at home and my parents weren't at home so he offered me to sleep at his house and well the next day we kinda went to a diner to eat breakfast and we had a nice conversation I must say.He was a decent human for a few hours.",I told him everything as I kept walking to school because I didn't want to be late for class.

"You're joking right?",he asked me laughing slightly afterwards as I shook my head.

"Harvey did all that in one day?The Harvey?The real Harvey Cantwell we all know?",he asked baffled as I nodded.

"Woah!",he commented, I giggled.
"I can't believe it either."

"Did he try to get into your pants?",Seth asked straight forward.
"No but I have a feeling that he's trying to.",I told him.I smiled at him before we parted our ways,him going to the other direction while I walked to class.

I had maths once again ugh!

I walked to my seat and sat down, Jamie was already there, his head was laying on the table and I could hear small snores coming out of his mouth.

A laugh escaped my lips, I tapped his shoulder but he didn't budge at all.

"Jamie.",I whispered giggling slightly.


"Jamie!",I whisper yelled also kicking him in the knee.

"Please don't steal my food!",he screamed,the entire class laughed.
I almost fell off my chair because the entire scene in front of me was hilarious.

Mrs. Sanchez wasn't happy at all.

She gave him detention while he kept glaring at me.
My cheeks were hurting of how much I was actually laughing.


"I can't believe it, how could you betray me like this!I thought we were friends?!",the drama queen in front of me exclaimed.
"Oh my god stop!",I chuckled.

"I tried to wake you up and either way she would've seen you sleeping so it's not my fault that you screamed!",I shrugged.

"Hell yeah it's your fault!I dreamed that you were about to take the last slice of my beautiful pizza and now you took my entire freedom!",he cried.

I had enough so I slapped the back of his head.
"Ouch!",he yelled.

"Don't Ouch me mister!Stop being so dramatic and get over it.Man up!I am sorry that I took your pizza in your dream but it's not my fault that you fell asleep in class.Now can we please forget it and go to the cafeteria I am starving thank you very much!I swear to god Jamie I dare you to talk back to me, I will hit you so hard that detention won't even be the worst of today.",I told him grumpy.

"Woah what got you so angry now.",he asked me.
"I told you I'm hungry and a hungry Gravity is not good to mess with.",I warned him.

"Alright miss, I will go to detention and shut up now I promise.",he smiled to lighten up the mood but the hunger was eating me from the inside.

"I'm sorry for threatening you Jamie,I'm really grumpy when I'm hungry.",I explained feeling really awful.
"It's alright now let's get you something to eat I don't want you to punch me in my beautiful face.",I laughed.

"Now Jamie, tell me do you like Mar?",I asked him now because I was sure that Mar was somewhere in the cafeteria waiting for us and I wanted to talk to him about it before she came around.

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