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I was walking down the halls with Mar while telling her about my incident with Harvey.

"I wish you could've seen his face Mar!",I laughed.
"Listen up you little bitch what the fuck is your pathetic ass doing with Jamie?Not like you had any chance whatsoever.",she giggled in a very ugly way may I add.

The black haired woman was approaching us in a very fast pace,her minions following every step she made.
She was about to grab or push Mar I don't even know and don't want to know what she has planned but I stopped her before she could do anything else.

"Okay I don't know who the fuck you are but you will not talk to my friend like that.You have a problem missy?Then talk like a real woman and not like a little girl who'll call her mommy or daddy if someone touches her precious hair.",I spoke firmly.

Her minions gasped,Mar was holding her breath while the bitch in front of me was looking at me wide eyed.

"You did not just talk to me like that!",her face was red and I was trying my best not to laugh then and there.
"Well I did, get over it now and leave my friend and me alone thank you so much!",a fake smile spread on my face.
"I'm gonna make your life so miserable you'll be crying yourself to sleep.",don't worry missy I went through hell and back I think I know how this shit works.

"My friend can do whatever with whoever she wants,she can associate with whoever she likes and you're not even together with Jamie so why are you even bothered by this?",I laughed at her.
"Your friend has no chance,I mean look at her she's freaking hideous.Harvey doesn't want to be seen with ugly people like her and neither does Jamie.",she flicked her hair.

"I think I know with who I want to be seen and who not Pricilla.",Harvey spoke walking up to us, a serious expression on his face.

"Harvey baby there you are!I've been searching for you everywhere!",she hugged him tightly but he pushed her away.
I giggled.

"We are not together Pricilla,you are just a good fuck whenever I need you.Now leave me alone.",he spoke harshly,her face dropped.
She stormed off with her little minions running behind her trying to comfort her.
"Don't listen to her Marina,you're really gorgeous.",Harvey spoke smiling,he really smiled wow.

His smile is very beautiful,it brightened up the entire hallway.

I don't even know what I'm saying woah.

Marina smiled at him thanking him,a blush on her face.
We turned and left but before I walked out of the door , I turned around once more.
"Thank you.",I whispered a genuine smile on my face,he smiled back and nodded.


"Hello ladies.",Jamie put his arms around Mar's and my shoulder.
"Hey weirdo.",I said while Mar just smiled.
"Says the one who has never been to a party before.",Jamie laughed.
"Well I'm not a party person!",I lied, they are my friends I know but I can't just trust them with my past.I mean I wanted to forget my past not bring it back!

"You and Mar are coming to a party tonight, a friend of mine is celebrating,it's a home party and you're invited.",he said as we walked to the cafeteria.

"No thanks.",I simply said.

"Oh come on party pooper!",Jamie whined.
"Please!",Mar pouted,I sighed and gave in.

Why did I give in?
Why am I always so freaking stupid?

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