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"Why didn't you tell me?",she asked sadly.

"I was scared you'd end our friendship.Turns out my decision not to tell you was stupid because it costed me our friendship.I am truly sorry I was an asshole.",I sighed.

"I forgive you.If you promise to be honest with me and tell me when you don't want to talk about privat stuff.I don't want to be pushed away, I mean we are friends Gravity and I love you.You helped me to become who I am today and I'm super thankful and I'm not your friend just because of that but because you like me the way I am and I appreciate that!Lets stop fighting I hate not being friends.",Marina smiled apologetically and walked up to me going for a hug.

"I'm sorry I love you too my beautiful friend.",I pouted hugging her tightly as she laughed.

"THEY ARE FRIENDS AGAIN!",we heard Colbain yell loudly causing us two to erupt into fits of giggles.

"You should spy on them quietly you dickhead!",Seth  replied back angrily and then we heard a loud slap.

"I missed this.",I told her honestly as Harvey opened the kitchen door for us.

"You missed me punching Colbain?Well I missed it too to be honest.",Seth joked hugging me tightly.

"Ew yes alright calm your tits and let me down thank you.",I playfully pushed him away.

"I like you better than Seth, you don't hit me in the head whenever I open my mouth.",Colbain gave me a big hug causing me to smile wide at him.

"That's cause you talk lots of bullshit and that's a fact!",his hands were in the air waving dramatically as we chuckled.

"I missed you my little Gravity.",Jamie mumbled into my ear as I smiled and hugged him tighter.
He was after all my first friend here and I would never forget that.

We all sat down on Harvey's couch as I cuddled with the cute little Teddy, my smile never leaving.

"I feel like you just visit me because of my dog.",Harvey spoke sarcastically rolling his eyes.

I didn't reply, making it seem as if it was true while I was trying to hold back my laugh.

"Oh my god you do visit me just because of Ted.",realization hit him as I laughed loudly.

"No you stupid!I visit you because you and I are friends...but actually mainly because you got a dog and food sooo...",I trailed off a smile playing on my lips.

"I can't believe you!",he shook his head taking Teddy away from me.

"No baby come back!",I made grabby hands looking at the cute pups in front of me.

Harvey resembled Ted.... or was it the other way around?

"Stop flirting now let's watch a movie.",Colbain urged.

"We're not flirting.",we both spoke irritated while our so called friends laughed.

"Alright but give me my baby back.",I looked at him with my puppy eyes while his beautiful ones were boring right into mine.

I let out a shaky breath turning away from him.

What the hell was that Gravity?
Get your shit together missy!

Harvey slowly but surely placed Teddy on my lap winking at me afterwards.
I leaned my head on his shoulder making it a little more comfortable.


"Guys Harvey wants to tell you something!",I smiled happily.

"I do?",Harvey spoke confused.

"Yes about the contest.",his smile fell, shock was written all over his face.

"No Gravity I told you.",he shook his head as I gave him a punch on the arm.

"Get yourself together you wimp!",a small smile made its way on his lips.

"What contest?",Seth butted in.

"You can do it, they will support you!You just need to open up.",I gave him a reassuring smile as he sighed.

"Alright you need to sit down for this.I have a secret you don't know yet.",Harvey spoke nervously as I squeezed his hand encouraging him to keep talking.

"Bro now I'm honestly scared.",Jamie joked sitting down.

"If you just knew.",Harvey mumbled.

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