First Choice

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About a week ago Jesse came back on the map. It was very sudden, it happened in the middle of the night. I know this because I got a phone call from CIA, FBI, the NSA, and several international agencies all from 2 o'clock in the morning up until 8 a.m. As you can probably guess, I wasn't too happy about being awoken from my sleep at ungodly hours of the morning, only to hear the exact same information from several intelligence agencies. But what can you do? I'm glad they were trying to be helpful and call me. They also called everyone else in the group. So, not only did I have to hear my phone constantly ringing off of the hook, but I also had to hear Jess and Bri's phones ringing off of the hook. And, judging on how tired everyone looked the next morning, I could only assume that their phones were ringing too.

A lot of the questions I got after these intelligence agencies told me the bare minimum information that they received, included "What are you going to do now?" I mean, I get it, really I do. I've been in this from the beginning. I have gone through the circle, took it down, escaped from this organization and am in the midst of taking it down as well, but come on people! My goodness! I... I am a 20 year old kid. I'm a kid with a band of other kid misfits who are trying their very best to save the fucking world. However, I would like it if the adults in this situation actually knew what the fuck they were doing and could actually help us kids out. I mean, I've been doing this shit myself since I was 16. It's been 4 years and I AM EXHAUSTED. I'm tired. I just want this all to be over. I want my life to go back to normal. I want to graduate from college. I want children and a family. I want to not die in this operation. I don't want to be used as a token for the next world war. And I don't want any of my friends to be drafted and killed in that war either. So, if I have to continue doing this myself without much help from the "adults" in my life then so be it. My friends and I are going to save the world, again, and protect the spy community, again, all before I'm old enough to buy myself a fucking drink because heavens know I need it at this point.

In order to stop all of this, we have to actually find Jesse's hideout. He's been bouncing back and forth between these two countries, Egrait and Tosnon, but has finally settled down in Egrait. We got news the Jesse is planning an operation there. He's going to do a public killing of the King. The King is the King of Egrait. Tosnon is their neighboring country and the country that Egrait has the most issues with. Jesse's going to kill the King of Egrait, in his own country and blame it on Tosnon. This will start the war. So, of course, we flew to Egrait and we are planning on stopping the killing. Apparently it's happening at this event. We're not sure exactly what this even is, but it's supposed to have some of the country's wealthiest people there. That means, a lot of press coverage, which means a very public killing.

How do we plan on getting in? That's easy. Victoria and Vincent are some of the world's richest and most popular socialites. They have been off at college, studying business or some other shit rich people study. With the connections made with the circle, with the help of Alex, we secured ourselves a spot on the guest list. From there we get a plus one. Of course, Tyler has to come because it's his brother for crying out loud. And Jerry is tapping in Ady, because she's the most trained, and knows some people here from former missions. We're going to sneak the others in through various access points. From there were are going to locate Jesse and the King and hopefully put an end to all of this without anyone dying. It'll work. We don't really have much of a plan other than, go in and don't die. It's a pretty solid plan if you ask me. On the other hand, other agencies are going to be there for back up in case things get really messy.

The other agencies told us that they could take care of this if we wanted them too. Considering everything we've been through they wouldn't blame us if we wanted to tap out of the mission. And for a hot second there I was really about to. I mean, as mentioned earlier, I'm really fucking tired. I'm over this shit. I'm ready to give up. I don't think I have any fight left in me. It's all out. With that being said, I have to take into account that this has been going on for four years. I've seen it through until this point and I might as well see it through to the end. And I'm so entangled in this, that there is no way any of this can actually end without me anyways. So, I have to finish this. We have to finish this. And finish this we will.

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